Monday, August 10, 2015

An uncompromising wine with lots of character!

It was a late Saturday afternoon in July and I had just left my morning appointment at my hair salon.
I was in a summer sundress and feeling pretty, my favorite guy was gone for the weekend and I had a few hours before my heart-on-four-feet would need to be fed dinner.
So what did I do?
I grabbed the Evil Red Genius and headed toward my happy place!
I was pretty easygoing that day and didn't have a taste for any particular wine. I just knew I wanted a delicious one .... and pizza.

While Red and I were perusing the shelves, we were undecided between a Carmenere and a Pinot Noir. That's when Dan, who never gives me wine recommendations, said he had one that I would love. Thinking it was a joke at first because he's the resident comedian on the payroll, I wasn't sure if I should take him seriously. Then he brought the bottle out and I was definitely intrigued.
Red wine - check!
Columbia Valley - Washington State - check!
Expert blend of five grapes - Zinfandel, Merlot, Sangiovese, Malbec and Lemberger - check!!
(He had me at Lemberger - which is also referred to as Blaufrankish!)
I had to run it past Sommelier Kurt who knows his wine and he highly recommended it.
As if I wasn't already sold, when Kurt told me it was a red wine that looked big but was smooth in taste, he had to say no more!
Abbot's Table
Owen Roe Winery
With a glorious jammy smell and deliciously delicate and smooth tannins, I instantly knew I had just met and found a new wine to love and adore.
It was fantastic with our steak and cheese and meat lover's pizzettes....
....and equally as delicious right out of the glass and straight into this girl's mouth!
Owen Roe's (by the way, what a great name! If only I had a son!) winemaker, David O'Reilly, created Abbot's Table as his tribute to memories of his childhood.  O'Reilly was born and raised in Ireland (shocker, right?) and his family often served wine at the dinner table. He remembers there being a red wine blend that was rich, silky and flavorful.
As a result, O'Reilly decided to go all out with this wine and make it the most fun of the high-end, premium wines that he produces. Unlike some red table wines that are made from barrels of grapes that didn't quite fit into the premium wine lineup, Abbot's Table is intentional - from vineyard to bottle. O'Reilly stopped making Owen Roe's Zinfandel and Sangiovese wines so that he could use those grapes for this wine. Owen Roe was put on the map with this wine, showing its world class complexity and depth of flavor at an "everyday" wine price!

Abbot's Table is a wine with character!
It's a wine that portrays itself as a puffed-up alley cat who may seem scary to others but in reality isn't the slightest bit scary.
Abbot's Table appears big and arrogant but it's really not.
It's a beautiful surprise.
It's like the perfect man in a bottle.
It looks big and burly with bold muscles that you have no doubt will excite you as well as protect you. I could see where some people could be intimidated on the surface.
But once you taste it, you realize and appreciate quite instantly, its apparent soft, sensitive and genuine intricacies. It immediately has you coming back for more while savoring every single drop. It's a highly complex yet compassionately masculine wine.
The winemaker made it very clear that Abbot's Table is an uncompromising wine.
It is only made from the best grapes. 
O'Reilly claimed he would make less of it if need but he would never use a grape that is less than the highest quality for this red blend.
"I do not compromise....and that's why Abbot's Table is so good."
-David O'Reilly
Just as O'Reilly doesn't compromise when making Abbot's Table, I refuse to compromise in many aspects of my life. One of those is with whom I chose to share my precious time and heart.
Ladies, do you want a man that is earth-shattering handsome yet genuine and has a heart as bold as his strikingly sexy exterior?
Of course you do!
The bad news is you can't have that man because he's mine!
The good news is you can enjoy the next best thing....

Abbott's Table!

Wine enters through the mouth,
 Love, the eyes.
I raise the glass to my mouth,
I look at you,
I sigh.”
W.B. Yeats


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