Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy Birthday to my favorite guy

On August 24, 1982, a woman gave birth to a son.

I don’t know what time and I don’t know where the birth took place. I’m assuming it was in a hospital in Ohio.  I don’t know her name. I don’t know her age at the time of his birth. I don’t know if she was married. I don’t know if there were complications with the pregnancy.
All I know is she gave her baby boy up for adoption. I don’t know the circumstances surrounding that decision or the process that she endured. I don’t really need to know. What I do know is that I am extremely thankful for her decision.

My analytical and inquisitive mind can’t help but wonder sometimes what his birth parents were like for nothing else but the questioning of health reasons and perhaps similar deep-seeded personality traits.  Are those his mother’s endearing eyes?  Is that his father’s smile?  Maybe that incredible jawline and photograph-worthy profile of his comes from his grandfather?

While those things have crossed my mind just out of pure wonderment, it’s not what’s important.  
What does matter is when a loving couple by the name of Fred and Barb Crawford decided to open up their hearts and family by adopting this baby boy; becoming the only parents he’s ever known (and ever needed). These parents provided this baby boy with a loving and nurturing childhood and instilled values in him to last a lifetime. They are the reason why he is the man he is today. They are who I wish I could thank.
I have never met such a genuine human being with an enormous heart of gold. He is compassionate yet tough. He is intelligent yet level-headed and down to earth. He has a brilliant sense of humor yet would never judge or hurt anyone’s feelings. He is strong willed and determined yet not above compromise. He is generous in word and deed and is a man of high morals and values.  He is the man who holds my heart.
On this day, 33 years ago, a woman gave birth to a son.  Another woman soon made him her own and became his mother. Today, I celebrate his life and feel like the luckiest girl alive to have him in mine.
Happy Birthday, baby!
'Twas not my lips you kissed, but my soul
~Judy Garland

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