Tuesday, November 4, 2014

"My people"

Most people don’t know me, the real me. But there are a few who are “my people” and have come into my life at various stages but are always “there”. It’s unexpected how they have come into my life also. I may not talk to them daily. I may not hear from them for long periods of time but when I need them they are there unconditionally.  Some of them I may not have known long as far as duration goes but as far as connection, it's one of a lifetime. Some people just “get” me and those people who do are very special to me. I can put on an act for anyone. I can put on a happy face and make it through any kind of daily turmoil or adversity. But it’s those people who can take one look at me and know it’s not genuine. There aren’t many but there are a few.  I don't choose them either; they are given to me.
It’s when you don’t have to talk; when you don’t have to explain and they get it. It’s when you can enjoy a comfortable silence and no words need to be spoken and they get it. It’s when you walk by and say "good morning" and I say "good morning" back and then you stop in your tracks and say “are you ok?” It’s because YOU realize that I’m not ok, but no one else does. The 10 people who have walked by and said "good morning" just kept going. But YOU knew immediately that I wasn’t ok.
I’m a talker. I’m an emotional communicator. I am one who wears her thoughts and heart on her sleeve. I am the happy one. I am the one who makes the most of every situation. I am the one who makes everyone laugh when they don’t want to. I’m the one who uses sarcasm and self-deprecating humor to lighten a mood.  I’m the social one; the party planner. I’m the strong one. Most think I am an extrovert and are astonished when I say I’m an introvert in disguise. Sometimes I just want to "be". I need to just "be". There’s a difference in being alone and being lonely. Sometimes it’s necessary for me to be alone.  It’s my people who understand that and appreciate that when I say it. It’s my people who realize I need it without me even uttering a word.
I don’t have many “people” but the ones I do have are precious diamonds to me. It may not make sense to anyone else as to why we are even close. On the surface it may not even seem like we have any type of connection or anything even in common. It’s internal. It’s heartfelt. I feel as if these people are my angels here on earth. I know I have plenty of spirit people/angels watching over me from Heaven. I get confirmation of that almost every day and the feeling that brings to me is incomparable. But I also feel as if I have those special people here on earth with me who are also my angels; just in a different form. 

The ironic thing is some of them probably don't even know they are "my people" but there's no doubt what an influence they have made and continue to make on my life.



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