Thursday, November 6, 2014

Maybe Halloween isn't so bad after all.....

I hate Halloween.
I've never been a fan.
Yeah, ok, the dressing up in costume part can be fun, I guess.
You can be someone else for a day/night, right?
 Ok, but the whole idea of having a day/night revolving around scaring people and portraying evil? Not so much for me.
Last year, I was coerced into going to the Halloween party at my happy place.
 Yes, I did have a good time but I didn't feel the need to repeat it again this year or ever, probably.
 It was a one time only occurrence.
 If you missed it, well, that's too bad for you.
If you were fortunate enough to be part of it though, well you're welcome.
I was Harley Quinn, the flamboyant super-villan also known as The Joker's girlfriend.



I could have been one of the pale-faced, red lip-sticked, black hair slicked back stoic backup band models from the Robert Palmer "Addicted to Love" video.
It actually happened without even trying....kind of....

But no....
This Halloween things were going to be different.
It started off with a Halloween card in the mail for Prowler from his grandparents.
Definitely no evil doing there!
My plan was to get home before dark, turn off all the lights, hunker down with a bottle of wine, Prowler, maybe a movie and shut out the world.
I'm the Grinch who stole Halloween, right? 
You got it!
things quickly changed when I found out my favorite special was on the menu
 at my happy place!
Operation Canneloni Bolognese went into effect!
 I left work at 4:30 p.m. so that I could make it over to the restaurant, pick up the orders (yes, multiple ones) and get home before the little critters, I mean brats, I mean neighborhood hoodlums, uh.....young beggars came knocking on my door expecting something that I didn't have nor intend to share if I did.

After making an appearance at my happy place and partaking in the free wine tasting, I proceeded to my car with four orders of canneloni bolognese! Only two were for me.
 I decided to share with two of my favorite people who are now obviously considered
 "the lucky ones".


Halloween was already starting off on the right foot with Canneloni Bolognese!!
I had to wonder if it could actually get any better and you know what?
It did!!
I decided it was a night that needed a special wine but wasn't sure which one.
Then it hit me....
My beloved Mica!
I was fortunate enough to try Mica a few years ago from a friend at my happy place.
It was the last bottle on the shelf and quite pricey so I was thrilled that he offered to share!
To my surprise, my wine bar in the Outer Banks was able to order Mica for me this past summer (at a reduced rate but still pretty hefty) and I have had it properly cellared at home.
Tonight was the night that Mica was going to get popped open again!
I knew the Evil Red Genius would appreciate it and she sure did!
Mica is the second label of the "cult" Bucella wines from Napa.
It is a fantastic small production Cabernet from winemaker Celia Welch and the 2010 vintage was a limited production. 
Husband and wife team, Bill and Alicia Deem, are the masterminds behind Bucella Wines, which is Latin for "mouthful".
They pride themselves in luxury cabs, costing up to $160 per bottle.
While Mica tastes like an almost $200 bottle of wine, it runs about $85-90 a bottle.
I was thrilled to get mine for $69!
So thrilled that I bought two!

Mica is pure decadence in a glass.
It is one of my all-time favorite wines, with its boldness, graceful structure, luxurious tone and sandy yet refined tannins.
It is a classy wine with flavors of soft oak, chocolate and wet leather.
It makes you feel like you are flirting with something dangerous - something out of your league - and all the while enjoying every single exciting moment.

"We savor wine for its ability to bring people together, initiate new relationships, and celebrate life’s most momentous occasions.
A well-crafted wine not only creates memories, it nourishes the true enjoyment of life. "
 - Bill and Alicia Deem

So now, Halloween is made up of delicious heavenly crepes paired with a luxurious Cab.
Geez, I may start liking this whole Halloween thing after all.
But wait... there's more....
For the first time in the two years that I've had my fire pit, I was actually able to use it!
(Nevermind why it took so long - forget that part....)
Not only were we able to enjoy my backyard fire pit, but we were enjoying a fire pit with
incredibly divine wine!!!

and country music...
.....specifically Jason Aldean with his time-appropriate new release titled,
"Burning it Down"

You can best believe that the Evil Red Genius and the TinyWineGirl were basking in pure happiness!
It didn't hurt that an absolutely gorgeous man came over to help light the fire.
 It was only fair since I was sharing my cannelloni bolognese with him.
[Cue Doors song now..... Come on baby light my fire....]


If Halloween was like this every year perhaps I'd be its biggest fan....

I need wine to swallow the bitter truth...
I will resurrect from the ashes...
Watch and burn...”

Jasmina Mednolučanin


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