Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bust Her Over the Head Red

Some people are selfish. They don't think of anyone but themselves.
They also are reactive and don't consider, nor care, how their actions will affect others. They are just full-speed ahead with their personal agenda. I've unfortunately come in contact with a few of these people in my lifetime. The worst part is when they feel guilty about what they have done and try to make it better... at least in their mind.
In reality, their way of making it better just exacerbates the situation but again, they have no clue.
All that matters to them is they have made themselves feel better. I hope they can sleep at night.
Fortunately, karma is a bitch and it will come back around like a boomerang. Just give it time.
 I may not be that patient with most things but in these cases, it's definitely worth the wait.
I've been fortunate enough to watch it come to fruition with a certain someone in my past.
But I digress..
 Recently, I was the recipient of a disrespectful and reactionary act and as a result, I was given an "apology" bottle of wine. It was a Cab from Napa and I appropriately referred to it as "Bust Her Over the Head Red".  While she thought it would right all of the wrongs, all it did was dig them even deeper.  I instantly just wanted to knock her over the head with the bottle to wake her up because it was such a knucklehead thing to do! You think you can "buy" me with wine? Get over yourself.
Realizing it wasn't the wine's fault, I put on my gracious actress face, gave thanks and promptly put it in the back of my wine rack. One day I'd open it but not yet.
Last night was the night I decided to open it.  I wasn't expecting much and I wasn't in the mood for a fantastic wine anyway, so I thought why not open it. If it was terrible, I didn't lose anything. If it was good, well, then whoopdeedoo.  It was a Napa Cab. I mean how bad could it really be?
Trinitas Cellars
Napa, California
At first whiff, I immediately smelled a dirty diaper.  Now I like a funky wine and oftentimes I enjoy a stinky or dirty wine. But this was a whole different type of stink - a nasty one.
Past experience has taught me not to necessarily judge a wine by its aroma though.
I also had to tell myself, yet again, just because the wine was given to me for the wrong reasons, I still shouldn't take it out on the wine.
I waited, swirled and smelled again. Yep, dirty diaper. Ok, maybe a muddy prune juice.
Still... not enticing at all.
Ten minutes later, it mellowed some and now reminded me of rotten tomatoes.
 Deciding to take the plunge and taste it, I was relieved because it definitely tasted better than it smelled.  However, if I was doing a blind tasting I would never have guessed this was a Napa Cab.
It wasn't jammy at all. It was fruity but it was not heavy, ripe fruit.
It was more like strawberry or raspberry; very light.
There was no soft mouth feel, no tannins and the flavor diminished quickly after tasting.
Not a typical Napa Cab at all.
 It definitely wasn't the worst wine I've had but it's also not one that I'd ever choose or recommend for someone that enjoys Napa Cabs.  Shoot, I'd take a California Pinot Noir before I'd drink this again. For those of you who know me, THAT is just absolutely unheard of for me to say.
While we're dissecting this wine, I have to admit, while I enjoy the simplicity of most things and am often enamored by it, I was miffed by this cork.
Really? Completely blank. Completely. 
Have a little style. Come on. It won't hurt ya.
Fortunately, I had chili a friend made for me to try and I figured I'd heat it up for dinner. 
 It was absolutely delicious; just the right amount of heat.
Figuring it couldn't get any worse, I took a spoonful of chili and then a sip of wine.
To my complete shock, it tasted pretty good. It took the nasty smell away as well.
In fact, the chili improved the taste of the wine tremendously!
Since this wine had become somewhat of an experiment at this point, I had a cup of Hershey's Special Dark pudding left and thought I'd give it a try.
The wine definitely tasted better with the pudding but, oddly enough, the horrible smell of the wine came back with a vengeance.
Ironic that the "apology wine" that I received was called "Apprentice". 
An apprentice is "a person who works for another in order to learn a trade; a learner".
If there's one thing I've learned from this experience, it is that it definitely would have brought me more pleasure to have bust her over the head with this bottle of wine, than it did by drinking it. 
I know, I know.
It's not the wine's fault......

[This post is dedicated to Big Daddy.]

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