Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hella Fine, indeed!

I try to not make plans for Friday nights because I never know how I'm going to feel after a long work week. Sometimes I want to shut out the world and be anti-social. Sometimes I want to chill at home with Prowler and go to bed early. Sometimes I want to go to my happy place and unwind.
I used to have good intentions with making plans for Fridays but then by the time Friday came around I didn't want to go anymore but I felt obligated. I put a stop to that nonsense about a year ago. No obligations.  
With that being said, recently, on a beautiful Friday evening in August, I was wondering if I had hit my head on something and lost my mind. I had actually invited someone, a man that I had only gone out with once (although it was a great once), to join me at my happy place for dinner and wine!
What was I thinking? All I kept hearing was "Take a chance, Val".
Something told me that this would be a good thing. It would be a good test because if he couldn't handle being at my happy place with me, then he needed to be "kicked to the curb" immediately.
No need to waste time (or wine) for either of us!
 This date was going to be on my terms. I was going to make the plans. I was going to take control.
Meet me at 6:30pm at my happy place. Here's the address. No, don't come pick me up. We both have early mornings the next day so let's just have a nice dinner and call it an early night (or we could close the place down).
He was actually excited about the entire thing and also realized how fortunate he was to be accompanying me. (Hmmm... so far so good)
On the drive over, I was getting a slight bit anxious because I had only met him once and while it was a really good time, I was wondering how this second one would go.  I parked my car, walked around the corner and there he was!
6 foot 2 (oh yes!), dark hair, scruffy face (I love a scruffy face - hate a beard), big brown eyes, a smile with dimples (dimples? I didn't remember the dimples!), heeding my request of dressing casual in jeans and a polo shirt! He greeted with me the biggest bear hug and just about lifted me off my feet in my strappy black heels and little black cotton dress!
Instantly, I was relieved and smiling! This was NOT a mistake! (Right?)
To my delight, it seemed as if everyone I knew was there that night. It was as if they knew I was coming and God forbid, she had a man with her who wasn't her dad!! Every minute or so someone else was coming over to greet me with a hug or a hello.
(Yes, new guy. I told you I was treated like a rockstar here! I don't make this stuff up, dude.
Ya believe me now, don't ya? Yep. That's what I thought.) 
We're on MY turf now!
Italian wines were on the tasting table and while I am not usually an Italian wine fan, they were all quite scrumptious this evening. Was it really the wine or was it the company? Perhaps a combination.
It was even the first time in quite a while that I actually liked a wine on the tasting enough to buy it to enjoy for dinner. We both agreed on the
2010 Conte di Campiano Primitivo di Manduria
What do I know about this wine?  Not much except it was very easy to drink and luscious.
For the first time in a long time, I just enjoyed the moment - the conversation, the wine, the heaviness that had been lifted off of me and of course.... the food! Oh yes, the food!
A must was to share my favorite appetizer..........

.....a crabcake on top of a portabella mushroom with pesto marinara sauce!
He likes seafood, he loves crab (not as much as I do but that's ok, not many do) and if he didn't like this appetizer then all hope was going to be lost! But guess what? He loved it!!
To make it even better, he saved the last bite for me! Now that is a smart man right there!
(We're making good progress!)
 He chose well with his entree and I didn't even have to recommend anything.
 ( A man who knows what he likes and what he wants..... definitely a plus!)

Pasta Diavola
I was fortunate enough that Chef Mike was trying out some new specials that night because the Shrimp Rose was absolutely EXQUISITE!

Shrimp, penne pasta, arugula and cheese in a vodka rose sauce. I ate the entire thing and usually I always have leftovers to take home! Like this date, I didn't want this dish to end!
 I also didn't want this wine to end....

....but as you can see all good things must eventually come to an end....

This cork has been saved..... one was given out to this suitor already.
 He held his own at my happy place. Very impressive.
I'm not sold yet, but it's definitely worth pondering.
A few days later, we shared a Merlot called "Hella Fine". 
I have now tried every wine that the band, Train, has produced! Whoo hooo!
Hella Fine has an aroma of roasted cherries and blackberries with a dark berry flavor which reminded me of rotten roasted plums. It was extremely easy to drink but I would never have guessed it was a Merlot. A light, red wine priced at $10, so I can't complain. It's not my favorite of their collection but it was worth drinking. It's excellent with Ghiradelli Sea Salt Soiree dark chocolate too
(Yes, I even shared my chocolate. Don't get excited. It was just one square.)
He immediately knew the wave that was on the label which was interesting. It's Maverick's Wave at Half Moon Bay in California and he mentioned how he liked that area.
Ironically enough something came on the tv and all I heard were the words,
"You have a little danger in your eye"
(Foreshadowing of events to come, perhaps? Hmm... who knows.)
Urban Dictionary definition for "hellafine"

"Burgeoningly delicious or extra luscious. A state of "damn, that is some tight shit". Often referred to as, "WHOA".  Hellafine is a very powerful word and should be used with caution.
"Look, Val, that guy is hellafine."
Yep, hellafine.
Who knew this almost 41 year-old conservative chick could be hip?
It was definitely a hellafine date, in many ways, and I use that powerful term very cautiously.
Ya only live once, right? Might as well enjoy every moment!

 "I was so delirious that I drank a glass of water, thought it wine and got glorious drunk."
-Will M. Cook

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