Friday, June 27, 2014

"Never Compromise Quality" - Frei Bros. Chardonnay

In 1890, Swiss immigrant Andrew Frei purchased the core of what is now Frei Ranch in Sonoma County's Dry Creek Valley and built a winery producing 20,000 cases of wine annually by 1895. In 1903, Frei turned the winery over to his sons, Walter and Louis, who adopted the name Frei Brothers.
(In the 1970s, the Gallo family bought the winery and vineyard.)


The only Frei Brothers wine that I have tried is their
2012 Reserve Chardonnay
from the Russian River Valley in Sonoma. 
It has aromas of banana, vanilla pudding, a hint of coconut and a slight bit of butter. 
 It has a slight tart and crisp finish with a pleasing aftertaste of buttered toast.
After one glass. I was longing for seafood or cheese.
This is a nice wine to enjoy a glass of sitting on the back deck on a warm summer evening.  I haven't paired it with food but I believe it would most likely improve with food. It's not my favorite Chardonnay by any means but it's definitely an acceptable Chardonnay under $15 when you want something simple to enjoy after a long day at work.
I must admit though, if drinking more than one glass, it could heighten your senses and make it difficult to keep your mouth shut when a neighbor ties his dog to a tree with a chain and leaves him there all night.  Believe it or not I was showing more restraint by holding my tongue than that wretched chain that was restraining poor Rico. But I digress...
When researching this winery, I found something very interesting and admirable.
These winemakers consider themselves "farmers first" and are dedicated to
sustainable farming and winemaking.            
  • For every acre of land they plant in vineyards, they set aside one acre to be preserved as natural wildlife habitat.
  • When they expanded the winery, they chose to transplant a row of 13 mature redwood trees rather than cut them down.
  • They capture and reuse rainwater. Currently 80% of wastewater is reused.
  • They are currently working to leave a lighter footprint through their packaging, and are exploring new components that use less glass per bottle, recycled materials for labels and shippers, and recyclable capsules.
Their motto:
definitely entices me and makes me want to try some of their other wines.

“Give me wine to wash me clean of the weather-stains of cares”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

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