Wednesday, May 29, 2024

You, me and the sea

 As I sit under the gazebo overlooking the ocean, my mind wanders down memory lane. Years of fun filled family vacations. The best of times. The times I long for and miss the most. No one ever loved being here as much as I did…..except him. I still feel him with me and it comforts me but it's not the same. It's the beginning of summer and the masses are starting to ascend on my little paradise.  I remember the excitement all year surrounding the anticipation of that one week. We savored every second of that week and it always went too fast. The last day was always the worst because we knew the inevitable was coming - going home. As excited as we were to cross that bridge, roll down the windows, smell the salt air, finally see the ocean, throw our shoes off and put our feet in the sand, it was equally as emotional crossing that same bridge and having to say goodbye to leave our one true happy place.

The ocean is renewing. Its beauty is peaceful. Its power is truly something that we've always been in awe of. At 50 years old and now living here without him, being in the presence of Mother Ocean still does those things for me. Actually, the ocean does even more now for it is when I am here that I feel his presence the most.

Glenmere Beach Access, KDH

May 29, 2024

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