Tuesday, May 7, 2024

My last supper(s)

My last supper(s). That’s tonight. A little dramatic, right? Well, ya only live once…wait, not really. We only live one lifetime at a time but there are numerous lives that our souls embark on. Well, anyway, that’s not what this post is about….this time.

Well, tomorrow is the day that starts the unknown. I always get a bit anxious when it comes to trying something new (except food) just because I have no idea which way it will go. Then the what ifs start pouncing around in my mind and I start to drift into that low vibration of fear which I KNOW will only cause harm that’s not even in my existence yet. Stupid human brain, cut it out. You know what you focus on is what you attract! Why ask for that bs!?!

I should have had braces as a child. I hate that word, should. Let me start over. In a perfect world, my parents would have taken me to the dentist as a child and had braces put on my teeth so I wouldn’t have overcrowded, crooked chompers as an adult. Now, I will say I have super healthy teeth and at age 50 am proud to say I have never had a cavity! But why didn’t my wonderful parents put me in braces as a child? Well, I’m sure because it would have been “painful” or crooked teeth would give me “character” (like I don’t have enough of that already) or they were protecting me from the horrid childhood bullies and metal mouth nicknames, I mean, how much worse could it have been? I had glasses since I was in the fifth grade, was bony as all get out and my gorgeous long auburn locks were chopped off at elementary school age and I suffered through awful hair til high school when I could actually make decisions of my own. (I will never wear short hair again. Yes, I said never. I made that mistake once in my 20s and still am trying to console my inner child.) So what harm would braces have really done as a kid? Ugly duckling syndrome was already alive and well. I was the poster child. Thank God my sweet, smart and loving personality got me through (cough, gag).

Ok, so what in the hell am I talking about? Where is this going, you ask? Last November, I was at my normal routine dental cleaning and the pretty dentist came in to do his check. I had not had the pleasure of gazing into his beautiful eyes, I mean having him examine my teeth, in the seven years I had been going to that practice until that day. Well, he’s quite handsome but from experience usually the men who are that attractive know it so I was armed with witty comebacks and had my guard up. Five months later, we are friends, he really is a good dude and he convinced me to start Invisalign. There actually wasn’t much convincing to do because I had been contemplating it for years. Once he told me the health benefits, that’s what got me really interested. Sure, I’d like to have a prettier smile (yes, prettier because unlike many I do NOT hate my smile at all, but there’s always room for improvement.) My dad had the worst luck with his teeth and gums….periodontal disease, root canals, all kinds of horrendous and excruciating stuff. My mom has had a nightmare of dental work done just over the last couple of years to include extractions and implants surrounded by lots of pain. My parents are not weaklings but mouth pain is not fun at all. That right there is THE reason I agreed to Invisalign. I do not want to go through what they went through. Straightening my teeth will be a huge proactive love note to my mouth. 

I’ve done my research-ad nauseum. I’ve reached out to friends who did the treatment and drove them insane with my barrage of questions. I’ve ordered tools to help in advance of starting treatment. Now I wait til 8am tomorrow. What more can I do at this point? EAT and choose wisely.

Food is love. Food is important to me and Hubs. We revolve trips around restaurants. We go to events that we won’t enjoy just to say hi and get food from our friends who own local food trucks. We celebrate with food. We comfort with food.  I’m a meal planner but often will change my mind based on our moods and just randomly decide to go out to eat on a whim. Well, my food life is about to potentially change for a while. Why? Because I have to take my newfound friends out before I eat and then brush and floss before putting them back in. Oh and I can’t drink anything but water with them in which is actually not a problem because I purposely drink two gallons of water each day. I don’t really drink anything else but water. Oh wait, better finish that green iced tea I made the other day! Guess, not only am I making my mouth health better but my overall health better too because breweries are gonna take a step back. I don’t love beer that much -not enough for it to be a pain in the ass to drink a few. Who knew Invisalign would also help your liver? Sure, I’ll adjust and I’ll figure it out, but I am the one in control of this working. It costs way too damn much to screw this up. Wearing these babies is the only way it’s gonna work and that has to happen around 22 hours a day.

My mouth is gonna be sore. I mean there is no way around that at least in the beginning and every time I switch out new trays. I hate taking meds but I have Tylenol if it gets that uncomfortable. I have ice packs to help and meditation is my go-to for any kind of relief because we all know we CAN heal ourselves. It all starts with a thought and a thought can be changed. Just keep your eyes on the end game, girl. It is all gonna be so worth it AND and you’re gone have a million dollar smile in a year’s time! 

So, focus. If my mouth is sore, I’m not gonna want to eat much (bonus -I’ll lose those pesky 5lbs!) and what I do eat will be soft and not take much chewing. Good thing I loved mashed potatoes and smoothies (not together though). Bad news is, if my mouth is sore and I don’t wanna eat much, I’m gonna be sad. So in planning ahead, I am preparing the last supper(s). This morning, I went to my favorite breakfast burrito joint and got one for tomorrow. They aren’t open until after my appointment tomorrow and I know I’m not gonna take my new friends out of their new home unless I have to so I’ll gorge in the morning so I won’t be hungry til dinner. Then for lunch today I had my favorite steak and cheese sub (which I hardly ever get but was craving and undoubtedly would want once my new friends are in place and chewing will not be fun). Tonight I am making manicotti bolognese from scratch with sourdough bread from my favorite local bread baker friend. I didn’t think ahead far enough to get dessert from my food genius friend - her place is closed on Tuesdays. What happens after breakfast tomorrow is anyone’s guess but I’m trying to be optimistic. Worst case, you’ll find me drinking water on the beach with a frozen bag of peas on my mouth. Peas never tempted me. I’m good.

Before Invisalign shot

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