Wednesday, June 21, 2023

I remembered

It’s never been about them. It’s always been about you.

You just didn’t know it until now. Well, you knew it but you just didn’t remember yet. Being unapologetically you. Speaking your truth. Coming from love. Being love. Stepping out of fear. 

You always tried to make it about them but it never worked…because it never was about them. Fear, the ego, made you think it was about them. But love is now in control, you are letting love take control because love is who you are and you’re remembering, my dear one. It is finally all making sense because you are remembering who you are and why you are here.

Welcome back. I was wondering how long it would take and but you did it. You found your way back……back to what matters….back to the heart of it all….back to you.

And now it’s smooth sailing. 

Now it’s real. 

Now you are able to enjoy this experience because you know what it’s all about. 

You remember. 

So do it. 

Love yourself like you do.



From the mountains high and the oceans wide

Raise that vibration……and the others will come. 

They’ve been waiting for you. 

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