Monday, April 29, 2019

The Six Clairs

At this point, we all know that we are energy. We are souls having a temporary experience. We have thoughts and those thoughts turn into feelings, which then vibrate out to the universe and within 30 seconds that vibration is felt and returned to us. We also know about raising the vibration and always striving to be in alignment with love which is our natural state.  If we want to change things, then we change the way we think about them. We know to focus on what we do want and not on what we don't want because we are like magnets! We know that we don't always get what we want but we always get what we believe! I'm not saying we have any of this perfected but I know that we are striving to live our best life by radiating love and compassion. 

So now, what about our psychic abilities? First of all, the word psychic usually has a negative connotation which is unfortunate. Psychic simply means "of, or relating to, the soul or mind".  I never refer to myself as a psychic and neither do any of my mentors or friends that share their gifts of this nature.  I am not a fortune teller. I simply receive messages from Spirit and can connect with those who have passed and are now in spirit form. I can also communicate with living animals and have connected with some living persons. It's all about energy.

I have been sharing my experiences and, as I have done so, some of you have mentioned that you wished you had this gift. Well, what if I told you we all have this ability? Remember we are all on our own journey and no one is better or more advanced than anyone else. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this exact moment. Becoming more aware, being mindful and being present are so important! 

We use an extended form of our physical senses to receive information psychically - clear knowing, clear sight, clear sound, clear feeling, clear smell and clear taste. "Clair" is the French word for "clear".  There are six "clairs" and you may not even have realized that you have these abilities but you do! Perhaps, explaining what they mean will help you along this journey. 
Clairvoyance - clear seeing.  This is the ability to receive symbols and pictures; mental images without physically seeing them.  I get signs and symbols from Spirit when doing readings or connecting with your loved ones which will then make sense to you and to me when they are shared. How does this work? Well, imagine what the front door of your house looks like right now. You aren't looking at your front door but you can see it in your mind's eye right? The color? The doorknob? The peephole? Any windows? The way you just "saw" your door, is how subtle clairvoyant messages come through. 
Clairaudience - clear hearing. This is the ability to receive sounds and words. I will often receive names, words, sometimes a sentence or two. It isn't clear like having a conversation in human form but when spirits really want to make a point to me, they find a way to get the word out for me to understand.  
Clairsentience  - clear feeling. This is the ability to feel or sense emotions. Being an empath, this often comes pretty easy. Spirits will make me feel a certain way to get their message across. An example of this is when my cousin had a heart attack and died and I felt it in my own chest as it was happening. I also felt my dad's tremendous head pain as he was collapsing and being sent to the ER. 
Claircognizance - clear knowing.  The ability to KNOW information. It's hard to trust at first because you don't see, smell or taste anything and you aren't sure where it came from. You "just know". The information is just there and you just know. Hard to explain but you'll understand when it happens to you. Often people will say, "I just knew it in my bones" or "All of a sudden, it hit me!" 
Clairgustance - clear tasting.  The ability to receive tastes that aren't there. A spirit person will give you the tastes of their favorite meal, drink of choice or something food-related that connects to them. When my great aunt is around, I taste her mac and cheese. 
Clairalience - clear smelling.  The ability to receive distinct smells/aromas.  I often smell pipe tobacco, cigarette smoke, perfume, flowers, food which are all messages related to the spirit person. 
Understanding and developing the six clairs is an important tool for intuition work.  During meditations, you may receive signs from your spirit guides and your inner voice in these ways. Mediation is so important in learning to develop your clairs; even if just for a 20 minutes a day. If this is something you are interested in developing, you now have the first step.... awareness of the clairs! Remember, we are all on our own journey. Some of these clairs may be easy for you to develop and some just may not seem to work for you at all. That is OK! There is no right or wrong way. It's really just a matter of being aware of the energy that is around you and learning how to tune into it! 

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