Wednesday, April 10, 2019


You probably have heard me often say that I am in need of grounding. Or a picture of how I went to the ocean for grounding or I meditated on my lion to get grounded. I may even tell you that you need to walk around barefoot, especially outside, to ground yourself.  At first you may think I'm crazy, but when I tell you to do it, and you do and feel better, I'm not so crazy, am I? So you see and hear me say the word grounding but what does that actually mean?
Grounding allows you to release any excess energy and emotions that you have by energetically connecting to the earth.  This is super important and necessary for me because after I do any energy work (working with spirit, transfer of energy, healing) I am just exhausted.  Having taken on the energy of another person gives me excess energy on top of mine and leaves me drained and often lethargic. So many of us think that we need more energy but that's not always true.  It is often hard for us empaths to stay grounded because we are constantly bombarded with other people's emotions! Sometimes you may think that you just want to be a hermit and stay home so you won't attract any of those outside emotions, but it still happens. Just turn on the news - it gets me every time and often makes me angry, depressed and just worn out.  Simple grounding techniques really help release those emotions and recenter yourself. These even help with anxiety issues and panic attacks.
  1. We already know that changing our mindset from positive to negative instantly will change our daily life and we are striving to make that a habit. 
  2. We've heard forever that exercise releases pent up emotions but who likes to exercise? I know a lot of us don't because we make it feel like it's something we "have" to do and not something we "want" to do. Well, make it something you want to do! I ride the bike and indulge in Grey's Anatomy at the same time and it's amazing how fast an hour goes. 
  3. Crank up your favorite music and dance all over your living room barefoot for 20 minutes nonstop. Have fun!
  4. Mediation will not only help you deal with the woes of the day but will also give you clearer insight. It is such an important aspect of being able to connect with your higher self and intuition too!
  5. Jump into a sea salt bath for 20 minutes to draw out and dissolve any negative energies from your mind and physical body that latched on to you during the day. Add a cup of sea salt and your favorite essential oil to the warm water and just immerse yourself!
  6. Drink water. Yep, drink water. Stop moaning. Why does everyone not want to drink water? I don't get it. I have always been a fan of water. I was told by a wise doctor friend of mine that everyone needs to drink half their body weight in ounces of water a day. I know when I haven't done so, I drag, my skin is gross and my vision is often blurred. Water is such a self-healer as
    well and will help flush out the toxins as well as replenish what you have lost naturally. After I do any sort of energy work, I am always craving tons and tons of water. 
  7. Eat foods from the earth - they will ground you- vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. I end up craving those more than usual when I am in need of grounding. 
  8. Use a hematite crystal which is known to have a powerful grounding energy that makes you feel as if you are being sucked back down into the earth. I have heard so much about this stone and I am desperate need of getting one for myself. I have difficulty staying grounded because of all the spirit and energy work that I do daily. 
  9. Have a cat? If not, go to the animal shelter and find a cat.  Cats naturally ground us. I just found this out today actually and that's what prompted me to write about grounding. Cats chakras (energy centers) spin in opposite direction from humans which gives them the natural ability to ground.  So holding or petting a cat will help ground you!
  10. GO OUTSIDE! Be in nature. These are my absolute favorites.
    • Simply, go outside, close your eyes and put your hands on the ground on the grass/dirt/earth and visualize the energy flowing from your hands to the ground.
    • Walk barefoot every chance you get. On the grass, on the sand, in the dirt, even inside your house. I can't begin to tell you how simple this is to help get you grounded.
    • Play in the dirt. Seriously, like when you were a kid. Dig up some dirt and put it in a pot and play with it. 
    • Plant something outside in your garden. I absolutely love working in my garden. I feel at one with nature. 
    • Stand/sit with your bare feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes and visualize roots growing from the bottom of your feet. Then see those roots growing deep into the ground and connecting you to the earth.  Feel your energy flowing from your body to the earth and connecting. This is my go-to and it truly re-centers me every time. 

Depending on the situation, I use different grounding techniques. Yesterday, I left work and was in dire need of grounding and could literally feel myself craving the earth. I grabbed Hubs, the pup and off to the beach we went. I left my shoes in the truck and the minute my feet hit the scrub grass I could feel the energy releasing already. One step on the sand and I could feel my heart let out a big sigh and the more I walked the more I felt pulled down in to the earth. I needed that release badly! When I got home I sucked down a ton of water and was still thirsty and even added more mushrooms than normal to the sauce I was making for dinner.

There is no right or wrong way. Whatever works for you is what you should use. Grounding is so necessary and can make a huge difference in you day and on your outlook!

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