Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A gift to yourself

2018 is almost over.  Twelve more days to reflect, release and renew.  What better way to end a year than with a full moon on Saturday, December 22! Because of the timing with the winter solstice being a day prior, this full moon's POSITIVE impact is increased!! This full moon represents a double closure AND a new beginning!! What a perfect time to reflect on our lives and relationships with the utmost clarity thanks to the sun and moon being opposite each other in the full phase!

Everyone thinks that a full moon is ominous and the bearer of all things bad and evil. That couldn't be farther from the truth! It is a time of opportunity and this last full moon of 2018 is perfect to see all the ways that our actions have led to positive outcomes! It's time to enjoy all that is good and all that we have achieved. In the same respect, as with every full moon, it is also time to sort things out and let things go! People, feelings, actions, fears! We can't really embrace a new year until we let go of the past! This last full moon of the year is going to emotionally charge us and motivate us to confidently get rid of that which doesn't serve us!!

I've never been much of a resolutions girl, but almost 10 years ago, I started my own end-of-year ritual.  Instead of making a list of what I would change or do in the upcoming year, I made a list of who I would leave behind in the current year. By purposely and consciously "leaving" someone in the previous year and not taking them with me as the clock strikes 12, I found a sense of freedom that was unrivaled.

This year, I took things a step further.

Starting with June's full moon, I have completed a process of letting go with EACH full moon. For seeming so simple, it has an incredibly powerful, yet different, outcome each time.  I've even helped a few others in doing the same and the release they experienced was second to none. You should try it.  I highly recommend it for everyone! One thing that I would add to this ritual is to make sure that you end it with love and forgiveness. Love and forgiveness to the person you are releasing for what they did, how they made you feel and also love and forgiveness to your self for allowing that person to continue to have this hold on you and for any reasons you may have even added to the "victimhood".

If you want to go a step further, which I had to do in some instances because the hurt was so deep seeded, write letters. I wrote individual letters to those people who I have held on to and who have caused negative or harmful emotions that I have carried with me for decades; some since childhood. I find it is often easier to write than to speak at times especially when I don't want to be interrupted. Some letters I actually sent to the individual; some I did not. I felt the need for some to realize what their actions caused and in hopes that they wouldn't allow it to happen to anyone else; especially if they have daughters.  
What's important though is to realize that you are not doing this for them - you are doing this solely for YOU. They may not like what they read but honestly, it doesn't matter.  I could feel in my gut the people who needed to read these letters I wrote. You will also. Some felt remorse, some went into defense mode and some didn't respond but none of it mattered.
What mattered is I finally felt free to be me because I finally LET IT GO!

As these last two weeks of 2018 are upon us and you're caught up in the holiday festivities, stop  pondering over potential New Year's resolutions - the ones that you'll inevitably break before January is over - and take some time to think about what you want to release so that you can instantly feel better physically and emotionally and carry THAT in to 2019. Take time to write the list (or letters) of what you want to get rid of and burn it under the full moon with me on Saturday night. 

Give yourself that gift. 
You deserve it! 

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