Thursday, July 12, 2018

Energy abounds!

At 10:48pm EST, we will be experiencing the beginning of a new moon cycle. Not only is this a solar eclipse as well, but it's also a super moon! What does that mean? A shit ton of energy! Seriously! Emotions are going to be intense during this transition and during the entire cycle.  It is a time for soul evolution and transformation! A time of healing and emotional purging.  I am super excited about this cycle beginning because I have been feeling the physical effects leading up to this day and it hasn't been fun AT ALL! I am ready to embrace this rare occurrence by releasing, resting and healing. I am ready for the empowerment that it will present and the refueling that is needed!

Wait. WTF is she talking about? Is this the same person who has always written this blog? Did someone take over since the last post? Is this still the wine and food girl? The one who loves animals and eats plants now? Yep, it's still me, ya'll, and I'm super pumped!

I haven't blogged much lately because I have been focused on me. Sounds selfish, I know but it is necessary. I'm realizing that more every moment of every day. I changed my eating habits and am physically feeling better. Now it's time to emotionally feel better!

We are all seeking happiness in this world and we often seek it in the wrong places. I know I have for the last 44 years I've been on this earth. We need to stop looking for happiness in people and things. We need to let go of our ego fears and surrender to the fact that our soul has already decided what we need and trust. Seek the happiness within yourself! Be the source of your own happiness. Once you are able to do this, you will then be rewarded with TRUE happiness.

How do we do that, you ask? Well, that's part of the journey upon which I have chosen to embark. It's a learning process and a lot of it has to do with clearing past lives, raising your vibrational frequency and healing core wounds. My energy level has been raised and my awareness is definitely heightened. I have begun to focus on addressing and healing my core wounds. Let me tell ya, it has been one of the most emotional freeing processes I have ever witnessed and I am no where near done.  Our subconscious fears and false beliefs in this life keep us from manifesting and becoming our true and best selves!

I could go on and on about my journey but let's face it, it's about me, and no one really wants to hear it and very few would understand anyway. I don't want to be right. I want to be happy and that's where this new moon energy will benefit me. It will benefit all of us, actually, if you let it!

Intuition and spirituality will be enhanced.  Things will be brought into balance. Emotions will be heightened and it's a time to let go of what doesn't make you happy. This energy promotes the releasing of the past; removing past practices and behaviors to make room for new feelings and experiences. It is very rare that the astrological signs of earth AND water are both affecting this cycle and, as a result, they are bringing numerous blessings!

Listen and trust your intuition during this time.  Disconnect from your routine. Be quiet and listen. Meditate. Go to a safe place and tune in to spirit, source, the Divine God.  It is important to unleash your energy and recalibrate. This time is all about new beginnings and living in the present moment!! Healing happens only when we are present. When you lose track of time, you are totally present so stop letting the past influence you! I know I'm going to do my best to set the stage to live the rest of 2018 in the present moment!

Happy new moon, super moon, solar eclipse, everyone! Here's to embracing all the positive energy represented tonight! Sending love and light your way until next time......

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