Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Let it go

Well, hello there, my friends. It's mid-August and life is just flying past, isn't it? I'm thrilled to say that the rare three new moon solar eclipse periods have passed and Mercury will be out of retrograde within the next couple of days! These past three months have been a time of intense emotion and often confusion with unexpected varying mood swings coursing through our veins! Things, and maybe even people, from your past have resurfaced out of nowhere!
 The Lion's Gate Portal on 8/8/18 was my absolute favorite of all during this energized summer! Why? Because it was an opportune time to release your past wounds and let go of all that does not serve you. With every new moon, you should practice this behavior but with the Lion's Gate Portal the Universe was definitely on our side with that urging. Three days later on 8/11/18, we experienced the last new moon with a partial solar eclipse in which we should have started our manifestations.

I started on the path of a life-changing journey and the summer has been nothing short of a roller coaster of emotions. While that may sound a little unnerving to most, it actually has been pretty phenomenal. Why? I began the process of acknowledging my core wounds and embarking on the journey of healing them.

What does that mean?
A lot of meditation
A lot of work with my spirit guides
 A lot of self-reflection
A lot of prayer
Most of all a lot of love and forgiveness.

We all have core wounds that have been with us since we were very young. These wounds may be obvious like physical abuse or abandonment or they may not be as clear cut. But you can be assured that these wounds have attached themselves to us and facilitated our behavior in relationships throughout our life.  If we don't address them, it will continue.

On the surface, I probably seem like a pretty balanced, strong, happy woman. But by being a strong, independent woman, I also am able to project what I want the world to see when in reality there is an internal battle being fought. Well, I was done. I finally said, I can't take this anymore - it's destroying me! I was tired of being the victim and letting these behaviors and people control me. I was tired of holding so much anger and disgust. I was tired of being truly unhappy.

Even though I knew what I had to do, it wasn't that easy to actually make it happen.
But... once I did, it was the most freeing feeling I have ever experienced in my 44 years on this earth.

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