Saturday, December 2, 2017

My wine blog muse

It's been quite a while since I've blogged about wine. It's been quite a while since I have felt like writing or even drinking much wine.
Wait, what? How can that be, you ask?
Yeah, I know. Earth shattering news. 

A lot has happened in my world over the past year or so.  Some of it fantastic. Some of it not so much. But regardless, I lost my mojo. It was swallowed up and eaten alive. I was beginning to wonder if  it would ever return.
Tonight, thanks to my dad, I may have gotten it back. 

My parents are my best friends. My dad was always my "plus one" when it came to going to my happy place, wineries or just sharing a bottle of wine (or 2 or 3); most of the time accompanied by laughs, deep conversation and music. 

I'm saying in this in the past tense because Dad and I haven't been able to enjoy a bottle of wine together for quite a long time. Dad was battling a recurrence of prostate cancer and the effects of chemotherapy devastated his physical body. On November 24 at 7:40 a.m. with my mom, myself and the love of my life by his side, my dad took his last breath. A week and a day later, I am completely heartbroken, lost and often in a state of disbelief. He may be physically gone which is the hardest part right now but I know that my dad is still with me and always will be. I just can't find complete solace in that fact just yet.

This evening, I decided to order take-out from our happy place. I walked into the wine bar and returned the tray that was filled with Mediterranean Pasta graciously presented to us from the owners after Dad died. I was greeted with a loving hug from Dan, then a tear-filled squeeze of love from my Rachel, adoring words and hugs from my darling Aliki and a gentle shoulder to lean on from Neil.  I saw Arthur, the owner, who was excited to see me as always. He expected me to do the Saturday night tasting but I just couldn't bring myself to partake. Why? Because it was the annual J.Lohr tasting and Dad and I always participated together.  Arthur and I stood in an understanding silence after hugging and me stating that it wasn't the same - that I expected Dad to be at my side. 

Everywhere I turned at my happy place, I saw my dad.
It was OUR happy place and now it was a little less happy. No, a lot less happy. 

I picked up my food and proceeded to the parking lot where I got into my Jeep Wrangler and cried all the way back to my parents' house. 

As I walked into my parents house, I sat next to my mom on the sofa and just bawled like a baby. Then I got up and started getting our dinner together. I went downstairs to pick out a wine from my dad's wine rack because I just wanted one glass with dinner.

Knowing exactly what is in my dad's wine racks, because we have opened quite a few in the last couple of days with family and friends stopping by, I knew there were only two red wines left - a Chambourcin and a Tempranillo. I didn't want either but I figured one glass wouldn't kill me and I needed a red. 
All of a sudden, I pulled out a bottle and it was a Pinot Noir from Germany.
Wait. What? I had to look again.
No, I wasn't seeing things. You've got to be kidding me. 
No, of course. It makes perfect sense. 
Let me explain. 

Two days ago, it was a beautiful 68 degree day in late November and Mom and I needed to get out of the house so we took my sweet Nami and went to our happy place to sit outside and have lunch. After we ate, I went inside and wanted to check out the wines for sale. I was looking for a Merlot from Columbia Valley (b/c that was Dad's all-time favorite) and while I found one,I also found this really unique bottle - a German Pinot Noir from Mosel. 

Dad always looked for German wines and if they came from Mosel, they were even more special to him. Most of the Mosel wines we found, though, were Rieslings. While Dad loved Rieslings, unless it's a stinky Alsace one, I tend to not be a fan. 

There was no doubt, I HAD to buy this one. A Pinot (or Pignot as he would jokingly call it)- which Dad and I often enjoyed together - AND from Mosel? Totally going home with me to the beach for a special occasion!

Fast forward to tonight. 
I come home, sobbing uncontrollably, search through Dad's wine rack for something fathomable. 
To my surprise, I find this EXACT same wine. 
Yeah, exactly. 
Thanks, Daddy. 

Coming from an Oregon Pinot Noir snob, yeah, that's me, I was pleasantly surprised at this wine. 
But as I say that, I think, this makes perfect sense. Dad knew what a tough time I had going to our happy place without him so he made sure that I had something to smile about when I returned to his home without him. I didn't even care if this wine would pair well with my meal; I was drinking it. 

A rusty, brick-colored red, this wine has an aroma of burnt ripe red/black berries and a hint of flowers. Upon first sip, I wouldn't have believed this was a Pinot - it was a bit tangy, a bit smoky, a bit fruity and a strong finish of slate. After tasting the wine, I read the label on the back of the bottle and what's the first thing that it says it will pair well with? Lamb.
What did I take home from my happy place for dinner?
My second favorite special.... Lamb youvetsi. 

So I ate my lamb youvetsi, I drank my glass of Mosel Pinot, and I'm watching Ohio State play in the Big 10 college football championship, in my dad's spot on my dad's sofa....
without him..... 

Well, not really. 

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