Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My true love

It's mesmerizing.
I can stare at it longingly for hours and never stray.
It's peaceful.
It provides me with a sense of contentment just by being in its presence.
It's powerful.
It can change all I've ever known in an instant.
It's enticing.
It draws me in and keeps me coming back for more.
It's addicting.
Becoming one with it made me realize I could never be without it again.
It's beautiful.
It makes me feel like I'm in the midst of pure magic.
It's soothing.
It makes me believe every sound it utters is meant only for me.
It's refreshing.
It breathes life into me when I feel as if I have no will left.
It's the one place I feel at home.
It's my heart's one true love.

Please note: I was inspired to write this one afternoon in October while in the Outer Banks. I took each of these photos during that trip over a matter of three sunrises.

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