Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Beer Hound Brewery

 I am always seeking out wineries, distilleries and breweries, not to mention eateries, out of the norm and just on the outskirts of where I live.
Culpeper, VA has become one of those areas that I enjoy. I've only been to Culpeper a few times but I've enjoyed each time and I keep wanting to go back every time I visit. 
It's not too far but just far enough for a ride on the Harley.
Beer Hound Brewery is a nano brewery that opened in October 2014 as the first ever brewery in Culpeper. It didn't take long for beer enthusiasts to make it the mainstay of the downtown arts district.
As we rolled into town on the Harley, I instantly smiled.
I love downtown areas. I love the quaint feeling and the sense of belonging that is instantly felt.
I loved seeing the train tracks dead ending the street as we found Beer Hound on the right. Following the curved road around to a parking area, I heard music and clapping but the sound of a band was absent. I looked up at the warehouse next to where we parked and saw from where the ruckus was coming. It was a church service, and a lively one at that, which almost made me want to venture inside!

Then to the right I saw something I always gravitate towards....
I'm obsessed with the Virginia LOVE signs and had no idea there was one in Culpeper!

As we walked up to Beer Hound, there were quite a few people enjoying the outdoor patio; some even with their dogs. As we walked inside, I noticed there was only one dude working and he was playing country radio. I knew I'd like this place and I hadn't even tried the beer yet!
All of the Beer Hound beers are named after famous dogs in movies and history and attempt to link the beer style to the hound.  Being the dog lover that I am, this was right up my alley!!!
 I expected a lot out of this brewery.
The one immediate disappointment I had was that there wasn't a German shepherd beer.
Who doesn't know and love Rin Tin Tin? 
You know I HAD to express my feelings to the staff!
 I'm used to breweries in warehouses and Beer Hound was different. It was almost set up like a café with tons of tables and even booths along one wall.  I especially liked the huge chalkboard inviting guests to leave some inspiring sentiments!

As always, we decided to indulge in a flight! It's the only way to go!

Teddy - an American Cream Ale - smooth, easy to drink, nothing terrible, nothing fantastic, but decent

Apollo - an official German Hefeweizen with a hint of banana and a hint of spice - quite flavorful. I'm growing accustomed to Hefeweizens.

The Scottie wasn't available. We were given another one to try in its place but what it was, I don't recall.

 Duke - an Amber Ale with some hints of sweetness and a bit of pepper. I could drink this one as well. I'm starting to gain a liking for ambers.

Archie - an English Brown Ale that has an aroma of citrus and baking spices with a mild citrus hoppy flavor and a hint of a caramel.  Not repulsive.

Teufelhunde -  an Belgian Tripel that has some tropical fruit flavors but the bitterness starts to come on at the end. When I start to get a hint of bitter, I know that the IPA is coming soon and the ones that I will tend to enjoy are soon going to be ending.
Old Yella  - an American Pale Wheat Ale starts out with a sweet breadlike taste but then bam! Here comes the bitter. Yep, Old Yella may have been a good dog, but his beer is not so much.

Mutt - IPA - yep, an IPA. Bleh. My favorite guy can finish this one.  It's all you, baby!

Fang - an Oatmeal Stout with an aroma of coffee and dark chocolate. If it were a wine, this aroma would make me extremely happy. It has a flavor that bursts dark chocolate and lightly roasted coffee with a full mouth feel. Makes me think of breakfast and I'm not really a breakfast fan. I can usually take a sip of these and be fine but no more than one sip. Too strong for my taste.

Typical for me, I enjoyed everything up to the Teufelhunde. While I love the name, it was the beginning of the bitterness and that's what I don't like about beer. I mean let's face it. Bitter Beer Face is not a good look on me. I'm thrilled that there are so many kinds of beer out there now though. I'm bound to find one or three that I can fathom or, God forbid, enjoy!

"Our brews will make your tail wag"
Well, I'm not sure about your brews, but this guy sure makes MY tail wag.
Too much? Yeah, ok. Maybe.

Well, Culpeper, you've done it again!
 I enjoy myself every time I'm in your town and I am definitely approve of your first brewery.
 In fact, I plan on making another trip to try out some of Beer Hound's new brews in the future.
Just work on that German Shepherd one, please!
“Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven!
Thus, let us drink beer!”
― Martin Luther

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