Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rombauer - Everything a Chardonnay should be

Rombauer Vineyards was founded in 1980 on a secluded tree-covered knoll overlooking the Napa Valley.  Their family philosophy of wine and food goes back to Koerner Rombauer's ancestors from Rheingau, Germany. Wine is considered an essential complement to a meal in Rheingau.

Koerner's great aunt, Irma Rombauer, wrote the well-known book titled The Joy of Cooking. As a result, Rombauer Vineyards chose to use the term "The Joy of Wine" as their motto of taking time to handcraft and nurture their wines from the vineyard to the bottle. They believe in celebrating wine as a complement to good friends and good food.

I fell in love with the Rombauer Chardonnay in 2010. I learned quickly that when I see a Rombauer Chard, I should grab it because it never stays on the shelves very long. When I was in the Outer Banks two years ago, I saw a Rombauer Chard at my local wine bar, Trio, and grabbed it. I hadn't seen it in the Northern Virginia area for years until a night in January when my happy place held an

"Evening with Rombauer"

Rombauer is known for big and rich wines with lots of character!

2013 Chardonnay

Even though it had been years since I tasted this Chardonnay and this was a new vintage, my love for it has just deepened. As the smell of butterscotch, nutmeg and vanilla collides with a hint of coconut and baking spices, my taste buds were transported straight to paradise. It was almost like an out of body experience the moment my nose and the aroma met. Rich, big and lots of character; just as they promised. The same way I like my men... wait, that's it!
The Rombauer Chardonnay is just like the perfect, yummiest man,,,,,, in a glass!

I didn't need to taste any of the other Rombauers because I had already met the one that mattered and to which no other could compare. In fact, I bought three bottles to take home - one I shared with my favorite people the following weekend, one to cellar and one for when I feel the need to treat myself to something incredible... just because I can!

While I was still moaning in delight, the rest of the evening was continuing so I decided I'd play along. 

 2010 Merlot

 I am becoming a Washington State Merlot snob the more Merlot I try.  The Rombauer Merlot is actually stinky for a California Merlot which impressed me. It has lots of big red and blue fruits in its taste and it's good but it's not as smooth as a Washington State Merlot.

2012 Zinfandel

There's always one wine at these events that always stands out to me - whether it's for a good reason or not. The minute I smelled this Zinfandel I thought of roast beef. I was then craving mashed potatoes and carrots! Call me crazy, but I swear that's what it smelled like. Thankfully, it didn't taste like roast beef. It tasted more like a raspberry glaze over a roast. I'm not saying that's a good thing. It is what it is.

This Zin is definitely richer than the Merlot but with 15.9% alcohol (which is very high!) it is definitely too sweet for me and I didn't care for the aftertaste.  Chocolate would have helped it.

2012 Cabernet Sauvignon

I'm the one who always claims you can't go wrong with a Napa Cab. Well, Rombauer may have proven me wrong this time. Upon smelling and tasting this wine, I immediately thought of bacon and maple syrup and wanted to pour this wine over pancakes.  I tasted no fruit until the aftertaste. This was very bizarre! Rombauer claims to have big rich wines but this sure wasn't a big Napa Cab!

2009 Diamond Selection Cabernet Sauvignon

This Cab was by far the best red of the night but I still wasn't impressed. Being 95% Cab, it was full of black cherry and licorice with a jammy spice smell. Hey, wait...
it's the latest addition to the Spice Girls
  Jammy Spice!

Well, thank you, Rombauer, for sharing your wines with me at my happy place. Thank you also for solidifying my love of your Chardonnay. The Rombauer Chardonnay is embodies everything that a Chardonnay should be!

"Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of Chardonnay."

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