Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rombauer - Everything a Chardonnay should be

Rombauer Vineyards was founded in 1980 on a secluded tree-covered knoll overlooking the Napa Valley.  Their family philosophy of wine and food goes back to Koerner Rombauer's ancestors from Rheingau, Germany. Wine is considered an essential complement to a meal in Rheingau.

Koerner's great aunt, Irma Rombauer, wrote the well-known book titled The Joy of Cooking. As a result, Rombauer Vineyards chose to use the term "The Joy of Wine" as their motto of taking time to handcraft and nurture their wines from the vineyard to the bottle. They believe in celebrating wine as a complement to good friends and good food.

I fell in love with the Rombauer Chardonnay in 2010. I learned quickly that when I see a Rombauer Chard, I should grab it because it never stays on the shelves very long. When I was in the Outer Banks two years ago, I saw a Rombauer Chard at my local wine bar, Trio, and grabbed it. I hadn't seen it in the Northern Virginia area for years until a night in January when my happy place held an

"Evening with Rombauer"

Rombauer is known for big and rich wines with lots of character!

2013 Chardonnay

Even though it had been years since I tasted this Chardonnay and this was a new vintage, my love for it has just deepened. As the smell of butterscotch, nutmeg and vanilla collides with a hint of coconut and baking spices, my taste buds were transported straight to paradise. It was almost like an out of body experience the moment my nose and the aroma met. Rich, big and lots of character; just as they promised. The same way I like my men... wait, that's it!
The Rombauer Chardonnay is just like the perfect, yummiest man,,,,,, in a glass!

I didn't need to taste any of the other Rombauers because I had already met the one that mattered and to which no other could compare. In fact, I bought three bottles to take home - one I shared with my favorite people the following weekend, one to cellar and one for when I feel the need to treat myself to something incredible... just because I can!

While I was still moaning in delight, the rest of the evening was continuing so I decided I'd play along. 

 2010 Merlot

 I am becoming a Washington State Merlot snob the more Merlot I try.  The Rombauer Merlot is actually stinky for a California Merlot which impressed me. It has lots of big red and blue fruits in its taste and it's good but it's not as smooth as a Washington State Merlot.

2012 Zinfandel

There's always one wine at these events that always stands out to me - whether it's for a good reason or not. The minute I smelled this Zinfandel I thought of roast beef. I was then craving mashed potatoes and carrots! Call me crazy, but I swear that's what it smelled like. Thankfully, it didn't taste like roast beef. It tasted more like a raspberry glaze over a roast. I'm not saying that's a good thing. It is what it is.

This Zin is definitely richer than the Merlot but with 15.9% alcohol (which is very high!) it is definitely too sweet for me and I didn't care for the aftertaste.  Chocolate would have helped it.

2012 Cabernet Sauvignon

I'm the one who always claims you can't go wrong with a Napa Cab. Well, Rombauer may have proven me wrong this time. Upon smelling and tasting this wine, I immediately thought of bacon and maple syrup and wanted to pour this wine over pancakes.  I tasted no fruit until the aftertaste. This was very bizarre! Rombauer claims to have big rich wines but this sure wasn't a big Napa Cab!

2009 Diamond Selection Cabernet Sauvignon

This Cab was by far the best red of the night but I still wasn't impressed. Being 95% Cab, it was full of black cherry and licorice with a jammy spice smell. Hey, wait...
it's the latest addition to the Spice Girls
  Jammy Spice!

Well, thank you, Rombauer, for sharing your wines with me at my happy place. Thank you also for solidifying my love of your Chardonnay. The Rombauer Chardonnay is embodies everything that a Chardonnay should be!

"Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of Chardonnay."

Under the Tuscan Grapevines

The Evil Red Genius and I went to Tuscany last night. Well, ok, maybe not literally but we did travel to Tuscany's world of wine at my happy place via Arthur and Don Paul. My buddy, Don, used to work at Winestyles but now works for Vinifera, an Italian wine importer.
I don't know much about Italian wines. Actually, I don't know much of anything about Italian wines, except I know I like Montepulciano and I think part of that is because I like saying the word.
How do I learn more about Italian wines though?
Taste and listen and that's exactly what we did on our trip!

Interesting fun fact: Italy is second in wine production by country with France being first; however, Italy exports the most wine.
 Tuscany has lots of sunlight and heat and is in the center of Italy. A rocky combination of limestone and clay make up the soil and it's usually hot during the day and cold at night in Tuscany. That's about all I retained this evening because I was all about trying the wines and not so much into the educational side of things. It had been a very emotional week and I needed an escape.
Mormoraia Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG 2011
San Gimignano, Tuscany
 This 100% Vernaccia wine immediately smelled like a French Chardonnay (which is a compliment). It had an overwhelmingly acidic taste though, especially at the end. It tasted like when you are standing in the ocean and a wave comes and smacks you in the face causing you to swallow an abundance of salt water.  Yeah, I don't waste wine but I also don't drink it if I don't like it.
My buddy, Steve, got the rest of this one. Too bad we didn't have cheese; that may have helped.

Tenuta Mormoraia Cianti Colli Senesi DOCG 2012
Siena, Tuscany

This Sangiovese/Merlot blend smelled better than it tasted. It has a slight dirty yet fruity smell; a nicely balanced aroma. As my new passport buddy, Brad, stated, "It's fruit that has gone past the five second rule". However, it didn't taste dirty at all. That made me sad.
Look closely at the tasting sheet description below.  5,500 cases made? B.S.! ha!
Fattoria Poggiopiano La Tradizione Chianti Classico DOCG 2007
San Casciano Val di Pesa, Tuscany

Another fun fact: The Sangiovese grape has been around since 17th Century BC!
Unfortunately, this wine smelled better than it tasted as well. It was rather medicinal to me.  While the tasting notes said this wine showed leather, I didn't get any leather flavors or aromas. However,   out of nowhere, Brad announced to our table, "I get the leather in my wine and in my life!"
It was with that exclamation and visual to go along with it that I burst into laughter during the presentation and couldn't stop. Don't worry, I apologized to Arthur for being obnoxious which he thought was nonsense.  Me being obnoxious? Impossible!
Castello di Romitorio Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2007
Montalcino, Tuscany

This Brunello smelled of lightly smoked bacon and tasted of tart raspberries. It was the most tolerable of the wines at this point in the trip but it still didn't blow me away.  When Brad exclaimed, "It's all about the earth," my immediate and most natural response was to sing, "It's all about the earth, 'bout the earth, no leather".
At this point in our trip, we started getting a little punchy. Was it because we've been dealing with record low temps and snow for most of the week? Was it because we've been putting up with nonsense at work all week? Was it because I was so tired of being an emotional wreck that it just felt good to be silly and laugh? Yes, to all of those.
It's my happy place; anything goes!

Castello di Romitorio Il Toro IGT 2008
Scansano Maremma, Tuscany
45% Syrah, 45% Cab, 10% Petit Verdot
Now we're talking, Tuscany!
This wine smelled like smoked roadkill and tastes fantastic with a cheesecake aftertaste. Yep, I know, but I can't help what I smell and taste! This wine definitely stood out above the previous ones tasted.

Fattoria Poggiopiano Rosso di Sera IGT 2006
San Casciano Val di Pesa, Tuscany

Everyone knows the Evil Red Genius and I get excited about wines that have an incredible aroma. When we find a wine that we take our time smelling and don't even care to taste, you know it's good. This was one of those wines. In fact, all four of us at the table took turns moaning and sighing as we smelled this wine. It was quite entertaining. 

This was by far, THE BEST smell, taste and wine of the night for me. A perfect blend of ripe dark fruit with leather, graphite and oak on the nose with very rich vanilla, chocolate, black pepper and blackberry notes on the palette. 
Ah, I love a wine I can chew! (Naturally, my favorite one is $108.)

When I looked back at the name of this wine, I realized another reason why I enjoyed it so much.
It has my name in the title. Everyone should unleash their inner Val, right?

Terreno Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG 1997
Greve in Chianti, Tuscany

The last wine of the night was a pure treat - from 1997!
Notes of red fruit, tobacco, spice, fresh earth and truffle mushrooms that is smooth as silk to the taste!
It also is the wine that gave Brad his official nickname, "Mr. Anarchy". Poor guy. We sat together when we went to Chile and then he ended up with us again for our Tuscany trip. He thought he was safe until I got there. He's becoming one of us (insert devious laugh here) and he's gonna like it.

So I took my first trip to Tuscany. It wasn't really the trip that I had been dreaming of but it was definitely a super fun experience. After all, it's not always where you go or what you do, it's who you're with and I sure am grateful to have the best wine buddies out there!

"We don't explain; we just drink."

Wine gives a man nothing; it only puts in motion what is already there. ~ Samuel Johnson

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cathartic ride

What do you do on a rare 64 degree Sunday afternoon in February?  Shirk your responsibilities. Push off that laundry that needs to be done until later.  Grocery shopping can wait.  Take a quick shower, throw that hair into a pony tail and put on your boots.

You hop on the back of your man's Harley, throw caution to the wind and enjoy every single second.  Not just because you know you're looking at frigid temperatures, wind chill advisories and more winter weather to come, but because you deserve it.  Because you know that things are going to get worse before they get better so you make sure to take advantage of enjoying that simple pleasure while you can.... even if it's just for a few hours.

“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy.”
Sylvia Plath,The Bell Jar

Thursday, February 5, 2015

My tiny dancer is gone

Less than two years ago, my tiny dancer, one of the sweetest people I have ever known, was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. I remember my parents coming over to my house to break the news to me in person because they knew I was going to be devastated.... and I was.
But what do I do when one of "my people" gets sick?
I delve into it head first, learn all I can and help them however I can.
Peggy and I met at the Dale City Moose Lodge. Yeah, wait... me? At the Moose lodge? Yeah, I know, bizarre, but it happened. I believe everything happens for a reason.  My parents had been members for a while and I was going through a breakup and would meet them over there. Why? Well, it passed the time, it was cheap food and drink and no matter how bad I looked I still looked like, and was treated like, a rock star when I walked into the place.
I was accepted there for who I am. Period. I had so many amazing times there.
Dick and Chrissy Sarna were the ones who really made me feel at home there. I knew them when I was a kid and I grew up with their son, Keith, who is a year older than me. Keith and I knew each other in high school but never really spent any time together. Truth be known, I had a huge crush on him back in the day. Chrissy was head of the Women's Chapter at the Moose and was always after me to become a member. I gave in to her pressure after a while and joined. If it wasn't for Chrissy I never would have done it. It wasn't very long after joining, that we unexpectedly lost Chrissy to cancer. However, as a result, I gained two incredible friends for the rest of my life - her son, Keith, and her best friend, Peggy.
Peggy was one of the sweetest souls I have ever met in my 41 years on this earth. She became an instant friend; she never met a stranger. She was barely 4'10 and yet there was so much love and strength and fun in that tiny little lady. She had made it through four husbands, losing two sons at a young age, her mother, her job and even her home. Yet she never gave up and she always saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, even after breast cancer, radiation, chemo, and a mastectomy.
She was an incredible dancer. She loved music. She loved singing. She was always dressed to the nines with heels and jewelry from head to toe. I never tired of watching her sashay across the dance floor with that infectious smile on her face. She stole the stage and demanded everyone's attention when she entered the room.
After Chrissy died, Peggy and I became even closer. It was as if Chrissy brought us together and connected us in a way that no one else could. There were endless nights that she and I would talk on the phone or chat online divulging our deepest fears, happiest of thoughts and sharing our unconditional love and devoted friendship for each other. Peggy was always there when I needed her, no matter what trials she was going through.  But I was always there for her too, never leaving her side or her heart.
When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, I grabbed her hand and went to both informational chemo appointments and even one of her official doctor appointments. Her oncologist was my dad's and I already had a bond with him. It was if it was a sign and I was supposed to be there. The last thing I wanted was for her to go through this alone.  Her strength overwhelmed me and never wavered throughout her entire battle.
In November 2013 I saw her at my uncle's funeral and was told that her cancer was gone.
What an incredible blessing!
In August of last year, her hair was coming back and she made a day trip down to Colonial Beach to see my parents new home.  I was so happy that Prowler, the Evil Red Genius and I were there to see her. Peggy always gave the best hugs and looking at this picture just lets me feel it all over again as if she were here with me.
A few days before Christmas, Peggy sent me a message saying that the cancer was back, in her chest and on her liver. Chemo was to begin on January 6.  On February 3, my mom and I were at my dad's oncologist appointment and as we were sitting in the room waiting, we saw Peggy walk by. She was so happy to see us and hugged the three of us. She even made her daughter take a picture of the three of us on her phone.
My tiny dancer had really diminished. She couldn't have weighed 60 lbs, could barely walk and had no energy. Yet her personality was still in there and she was dressed to the nines! That's my lady!  After dad's appointment I went into the chemo room to see her and I'm so glad I did. We chatted for a bit, we hugged and exchanged our usual, but never routine, "I love you". 
Two days later, February 5, my heart broke into a million pieces when I got the news that my sweet Peggy, my tiny dancer, was gone.
While my heart is broken, my soul is full of joy. She is finally healthy and happy again. She is free of pain and disease. She is with her mom, with her son, Dougie, and her best friend and soul mate, Chrissy again.
I am so grateful to have had that moment two days ago with her. I am so grateful that she made her daughter take the picture of the three of us.
She posted it on Facebook that day and said "made my day - love ya'll so much".
This afternoon, a friend of mine who is a photographer, posted this picture on her Facebook page. Every morning she takes pictures of the sunrise over the river. She had no idea that this picture was in the mix until she downloaded them later. She made a comment about how there was an angel over the pier. I immediately responded and said I knew who it was.  My angel on earth had passed away this morning and this shot was taken right after sunrise. There was no doubt that this was my sweet Peggy shedding her human body.
I have been in a daze all day and when I came home I decided I needed to do something to celebrate her life. While I miss her tremendously, she is in a better place now and she is back to her happy, healthy self. As my mom said, she danced her way into heaven and deservedly so.
Tonight it is with a heavy heart that I raise a glass of one of my favorite everyday Chardonnays to my dear friend, Peggy Ratcliff.  This is the wine I drank at Madigans in Occoquan when she and I last had a fantastic girls night dinner before she was ever diagnosed with breast cancer. We always shared such intimate secrets and heartfelt stories together. I'll never forget how wonderful her hugs were and how much love and strength was in that tiny little body! As she always said to me when we ended the night, "love you always". While I miss her with all of my heart, I am so happy that she finally is at peace.
Today was peppered with extreme wind chills - temps of 32 but feeling like 21. The wind literally cut through me as I walked from the parking lot to my office building. At one point, I literally had to stop and catch my breath and balance because the wind was so strong.  It remained that windy all day.
When I took Prowler out for his last romp of the night before bedtime, the wind had stopped, almost instantly. A beautifully magical perfectly-shaped moon was shining. I felt my dear friend with me and as a tear rolled down my face relief also passed through me. It was then that it all made sense. This morning it was horribly windy because she was leaving this earth and entering into heaven. Peggy definitely deserved a grand entrance and the earth was no doubt shaking as someone as strong and incredible as Peggy was making her departure. The winds all day were evidence of her energy leaving this earth and the calming of the skies and the brilliant moonlight this evening were evidence of her arrival in heaven.
Meeting someone who was just as much of a hopeless romantic as I was so comforting.
She loved being in love and showed me there's nothing wrong with it.
She taught me such amazing life lessons because she lived them and because of her I'll never forget them:
"You only have one life - be happy."
"Treasure the memory; don't forget it."
"Sometimes in life one thing changes your whole life."
"We all have one life to live. Who is to say how you do it? Search your soul. Do what you need to do for yourself."
"Life is like a good book. You never know what will happen til the last page."
"Forgiveness is hard but never forget the lesson."
"We go down roads that have bumps but you can always take another road. Be good to yourself. You deserve the very best."
My Peggy, I am thankful to have had you in my life and so grateful you graced me with your presence.
I'll never forget those loving hugs you gave and looking down at your sweet self smiling up at me with pursed lips to give me a kiss as we ended the night.
My sweet friend, my precious tiny dancer,
your "little Audrey Hepburn"
will love you always.

"You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you.. and then you meet one person and your life is changed…. forever." -Love and Other Drugs