Friday, January 30, 2015

Wine in, wit out

One day in early January, I had a splendid food and wine kind of day smothered in friendship and family....
I started out as a scrumptious lunch with my soul sister in Old Town Alexandria at the Wharf Restaurant and.....

crab soup
shellfish angel hair pasta 

..... ended the day at my happy place with my second favorite special, an incredibly smooth Washington State Merlot, the Evil Red Genius and the most amazing parents on the face of the earth!
lamb youvetsi

It should be noted that the Merryvale Merlot was critiqued in an earlier blog post of mine in 2014.  However, I would be remiss if I didn't state how Dad referred to this wine on this super fun night.....
"Pebbles and Bam Bam in a Jar"
"For when the wine goes in, the wit comes out."
- Thomas Becon 

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