Sunday, January 25, 2015

Why it's worth it

I am feeling so much sheer happiness and pure love right now that I feel the need to keep it simple. There is so much I could say yet so much that I don't even need to say. That is the best part.
I often have wanted to give up but my faith would never truly let me. 
I could never truly give up hope; it's just not who I am.
In the past, I've often had moments that were so phenomenal that I would often say I wish I could bottle that feeling so I wouldn't lose it. The best part now is that I don't need to bottle it because the feeling doesn't go away. It stays with me and each time we're together, no matter what we're doing, that feeling remains and even intensifies.
It's nice to have met one of those rare and amazing people.
 It's nice to know that genuine, raw, natural connections can happen and endure.
 Every time we're together, without a word even being said, I'm constantly reminded
of why it's worth it.
It's so worth it.
"Oh thank God that we don't have to be alone.
Closer I get, the more that my heart knows....
You're like that last turn home."
-Tim McGraw

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