Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dirty elegance

It's no secret that I am a lover of Oregon Pinot Noir.
It gets no better than the Willamette Valley.
 Last year, while at my favorite wine bar in the Outer Banks, I took a chance on purchasing a Pinot Noir that I had never tried.  I explained to Kenny, the owner, that the only Pinots I like are from Oregon and he recommended one that was under $30. 
Hey Kenny, thanks for not steering me wrong! Spot on, dude!
Ponzi Tavola Pinot Noir
Willamette Valley, Oregon
Aged in French oak for 11 months and then bottle aged for seven months before release, the Tavola Pinot Noir is Ponzi's "wine for the everyday table".
It is a blend of 10 vineyards and has a rich burnt-brick color.
As soon as I smelled the dirty fruit aroma, it reminded me why I love Oregon Pinot Noirs. 
A mud puddle after a spring rain with lilac flowers on top instantly appeared.
A deep sigh and a big smile came over my face.
The first sip brought a hint of cocoa and a long finish with soft tannins.
Best part of all? Cherry didn't smack me in the face like non-Oregon Pinots!
Dirty elegance 
After some research, I found that 2012 is supposed to be an epic vintage in Oregon wine history. (Note to self: remember this little factoid when perusing in wine shops)
In 2012, crops were low due to a wet Oregon spring which increased the intensity of flavor.
Summer brought dry and hot conditions.
From July to mid October, there was only a trace of precipitation.
Warm days and cool nights brought beautiful ripeness and sugar while maintaining bright acidity.


Oh, Ponzi, thank you for confirming that Oregon does, indeed, make the most exquisite Pinot Noir!!
This wine truly represents all that is good in - and why I love - an Oregon Pinot Noir!

"Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup.
All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.”
Paulo Coelho, Brida


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