Thursday, October 29, 2015

My permanent reminder

A bearded mix of a spin doctor and the front man from ZZtop with a sweet loving smile and eyes that spoke from the depth of his soul eased my mind and took my hand.  The display of comfort portrayed was magnificent as he released the barrage of yellow jackets on my virgin skin. As my right hand clutched my leg, my left arm remained at the artist's mercy. Through the multitude of creative artwork on the walls surrounding me, instantly appearing in front of me was a framed painting of Jesus in his crown of thorns. Pain, I thought? These bees are nothing. At that moment, the sting was at its worse as the spin doctor traced the line that formed my cross. Irony at its best. It was then a release of air was expelled from my lungs and my leg was released of my hand's clutch. An incredible source of strength arose within me resonating from her wedding ring on my right hand. My bursting into the angry beehive was for her. It's the least I could do. Nothing would even begin to compare to the excruciating pain she endured during that three-week long nightmare.

It's simple. It's meaningful. It's unique.
Her handwriting. Our faith.
My inspiration. My constant source of unconditional love.
My permanent reminder.
It's all for her.

There are no coincidences.

“Our bodies were printed as blank pages
to be filled with the ink of our hearts.”
― Michael Biondi
A huge heartfelt thanks to Barb for enabling the connection which inspired this tattoo to come to fruition and to Kevin at Jack Brown's Tattoo Revival in Fredericksburg for the permanency of my creation.

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