Tuesday, May 8, 2018

My New Healthy Obsession

Since April 1, I have been a sucker for whole food, plant-based recipes. I admit, I'm pretty obsessive at times. I have become a seeker of all good and natural yumminess on the internet and have found quite a few good sites actually.

Oh She Glows is a favorite of mine.
Forks Over Knives, of course
(this is where that whole challenge came from to begin with)
Rabbit and Wolves
Southern Grace and Greens

I'm still in search of recipes and what to do that will be exciting with all the WFPB stuff I have in my pantry. In fact, now that I don't HAVE to eat this way, I am finding that I WANT to eat this way. Not all the time, but more often than not. After all, I did lose 10 lbs in 30 days and no other "diet/lifestyle change" has afforded me that benefit. And no... it wasn't because I was starving myself. Ok, well, maybe it had a little something to do with it.

Today, I woke up in a funk. No particular reason really. Maybe the weather. Well, yeah, the weather has a lot to do with it. It's been cloudy, dreary, rainy, even chilly and just blah for the last two days. Seasonal depression is totally real and I'm so over it. It's May, people! Let's get on this spring bandwagon already. Let's do the damn thing! (That's for all you Bachelorette fans!)

Well, I did my affirmations. I meditated. I communicated with the spirit world.  I tapped into my inner being like I'm supposed to. It helped but it didn't last.  I am taking the next step for my healing.  Deep breath. This isn't a quick fix. It's a never-ending process and I need to just grab on to it and embrace my magnificence!

Then it happened.
While looking for quinoa recipes, I happened upon this website that sucked me in.
I mean who wouldn't be intrigued by that name?!
Clean Food Dirty Girl
I'm totally diggin' it and I love reading this chick's blogs. She's real. She embraces it and she doesn't give two shits if anyone likes it or not. YES! Hmm......remind you of anyone.....

Here's the link to the first post I read from her. The recipe doesn't sound bad either. I am a huge fan of turmeric!

And if you're not going to click on the link, because I know most of you won't, and I blog basically for my own pure selfish reasons anyway, here's how it starts and what instantly made me want to read more:

"What I’m getting at with the rainbow analogy is that from the time we’re born until the time we die we all have varying degrees of awesome and varying degrees of shit that we go through. We experience the pure bliss of falling in love. We experience the highest concentration of pain when
someone we love dies, and we experience everything in between. It’s the combination of all this fuckery that makes us perfectly human. And to be human is to be flawed. Imperfect. Messy. Complicated. Unsure. It’s not because we’re screwed up or not good enough. It’s because being flawed, imperfect, messy, complicated and unsure is our birthright."

I signed up for her Saturday emails and I filled out a request to join her private FB group. 
I have a new healthy obsession now.
Its name is Molly Patrick.
 "What gets me hot is helping people prevent illness and disease with the food they eat so they don't have to treat illness and disease because of the food they eat."

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