Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Finally on the right path.....

One week ago yesterday, was the last day of my self-imposed 30-day whole food, plant-based challenge and I couldn't be happier. By "suffering" for 30 days, I am now able to reflect back on what occurred during that time and continue to better myself and my health.
Now that I don't HAVE to eat this way, I find myself WANTING to eat in this way. Crazy, huh? Not really. I think we all hate restrictions being put on us but sometimes it's necessary. Necessary for a reset. Necessary to realize what you've been doing to yourself. Necessary to get yourself back on track. Necessary to refocus and set a better plan for your life and your health. At least that's what it did for me!
Most of you probably thought that on "Day 1 of the rest of my life" I would indulge in something "bad for me" but I didn't. I didn't change my way of eating for 30 days just so I could blow it all on the 31st day. However, what I did realize is that while I'm not going to continue to eat this way 100%, I am going to continue 90% of the time. It just so happens that my neighborhood golf course tavern has happy hour every day of the week and it was a beautiful afternoon on May 1 so the Hubs, the crazy pup and I walked up the street, sat on the porch and enjoyed ourselves. My two "brothers" also joined us and we made sure to "cheers" to the fact that my taste buds hadn't died a painful death.

It was with a big smile and deep sigh that I enjoyed the pulled pork slider and three chicken brine sliders - every single bite. Many who have changed to this WFPB lifestyle have told me that after 30 days I won't want "that" type of food anymore; that my tastes would change. Honestly, that was something that I feared. Thankfully, those fears were unfounded.

I have continued to eat plant based when it comes to breakfast, lunches and snacks.  Smoothies with organic (no sugar added) fruit, almond milk, almond butter and some sort of seed (chia, flax, hemp) base are absolutely delicious, filling and fun to create.
While Momma always told me not to play with my food, playing with different greens and veggies is a good way to build creative lunches!
Buffalo cauliflower bites with hot sauce! Let me tell ya! Whooo Wee! Those were daggone good. Think you can't get them crispy without oil? Parchment paper, friends. Parchment paper and eating them right out of the oven - that's the key! I couldn't believe it either! I hate cauliflower unless it's riced or Chef Randolph makes his Korean style ones at The Salt Box! But these little nuggets were yummy and Hubs agreed!

Now dinner. That's where I decide to use the majority of the 10% I have allotted myself. But, honestly, I'm not going "hog wild". Ok, well we did have that incredible Coasta Rosa pizza from Southern Shores Pizza.  "All natural, pastured pork, braised to perfection, with rosa sauce (creamy, slightly sweet with a hint of tabasco), red onions, roma tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese".  It is the same delectable pork that the Outer Banks Taco Bar uses and it is absolutely divine.  As much as I wanted to eat all eight slices, I just ate two. I wasn't sure how my body would react to this foreign goodness that I was ingesting and didn't want to push it. I wish I had a photo but I wanted to devour it so badly there was no time for nonsense!

I have found that portion sizes are important and a little bit of meat or cheese isn't THAT bad every once in a while. I'm going to enjoy my food. I'm not going to suffer but I'm also not going to be stupid. Well, except last Saturday. It wasn't stupid really. It was absolutely mouth-watering- ravishingly good and, after walking 21 laps at Relay for Life that afternoon, I was deserving of each of the two pieces of this lovely smoked-all-day-by-Hubs brisket that I enjoyed. I did make a sweet potato, green pepper, red onion, garlic and cayenne hash as a side for us, though! This may have been the best brisket Hubs has smoked yet.
I did not drink wine during this 30-day challenge either and honestly, it wasn't that difficult. But on Saturday, Otium Cellars' Blaufrankish was calling me. Otium is my and my dad's favorite winery in Purcellville, VA. With its German influences and unique wines, how could you not love the winery with the motto of leisure, peace and tranquility.

Now that the 30-day challenge has been over for a week, I find that I have no regrets. I was pretty miserable while I was in the thick of it but now that it's over, I am grateful. I learned a lot about myself, my likes, my dislikes, what amps up my Moore temper, what stirs up my Millan emotions and what I need to do to be happy when it comes to food. It's not about what I can or can't eat. It's about enjoying what I eat but not being stupid about it. I can enjoy eating plants as long as I can also enjoy a few slices of brisket, a slice of pizza or two, or a chunk of cheese with my glass of wine every once in a while. In fact, I find myself now wanting to eat more plants and whole foods and the more I do so the more I enjoy the tiny reward of NOT doing so.

This life is short. Days are often long. Years go by fast. But our journey around the sun is very short. We need to enjoy this life we've been given but we also need to preserve it the best we know how for our greatest good. After almost 45 years, I think I'm finally on the right path....

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