Thursday, March 1, 2018

Sacral Chakra Wine

It's February 24.
It was 73 degrees in Kitty Hawk, NC today.
It's close to 6pm as I write and it's now 69 degrees.
The windows are open, I'm in the kitchen preparing side dishes to go along with the pork that Hubs has been smoking all day, and as I look to the right, I see the ocean calmly existing.
I smile.
A real smile. A genuine, deep-breath-kind-of smile.

This morning, I had my first experience with chakra balancing. You may not know what chakras are and may be thinking, oh here she goes again with this weird nature, spiritual stuff. I have been very aware of chakras and their purpose for a few years now but never had mine balanced. I didn't even know I needed them balanced. Well, I knew one needed balanced - the sacral chakra - the seat of emotions, the sense of taste, to live as your authentic self without fear, to be non-judgmental about your desires.

Let me explain a little bit so that you will understand.

We all have chakras. The seven chakras are energy centers in our body. Blockages in any of the chakras can cause health problems - physical and mental. Each chakra has a specific location up the middle of our body and a purpose; where specific types of energy flow.

Root Chakra - represents feeling of being grounded - survival issues
Sacral Chakra -  connection and ability to accept others and new experiences - well-being, pleasure, sexuality, emotions
Solar Plexus -  ability to be confident and in control of our lives - self worth, self-esteem, self-confidence
Heart Chakra - ability to love and inner peace; also where we hold grief
Throat Chakra - ability to communicate - self-expression of feelings and truth
Third Eye Chakra - intuition, wisdom and ability to think and make decisions
Crown Chakra-  - connection to spirituality and pure bliss, inner and outer beauty

A tremendous amount has "happened" in my life over the last five years but definitely over the last two years - whether it be good or bad. Physical, emotional, location changes, family, finances. Too many to truly name.

This morning, I had my chakras balanced and I cannot begin to even explain the extent of such an eye-opening, validating and transforming experience!

It began with oracle cards. 
What is an oracle exactly?
Sure, I've heard the word, I get it. I know how to spell it. But what does it actually mean?

Check out the definition and really think about what you're reading:

"a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity;
a place at which divine advice or prophecy was sought;
a person or thing regarded as an infallible authority or guide on something"

The oracle cards pulled were a depiction of my life, of my emotional state, of my innermost thoughts, internal battles and contemplations. Things I have never vocalized yet fit me to absolute perfection. A slap-in-my-face confirmation of what is happening and what needs to happen.

It was an extremely personal experience and as a result, I will not go into detail but some of my energy centers were blocked completely, some were clogged and some were wide the you know what open. We were able to unblock most of them but two remain closed and I have much work to do! The explanations all made perfect sense.
Afterwards, I felt such clarity. I felt a relief - physical in some aspects and emotional in others - and I made a stop at the beach to thank the Lord above, to meditate and to talk to my dad. I know that my dad is with me - he has made it clear - yet when I'm at the ocean, I feel closer to him. Our love of water, especially the ocean, was always a strong connection for us and it continues to be.

As I'm standing here in my kitchen, reflecting on my life, I'm embracing love. I'm embracing my senses. I'm embracing all that has happened in my life and I am embracing the fact that all of these moments have happened for a reason. It's all part of the plan for me. The path will never change. I can only control myself and my actions. I can't control anyone else and I need to let it go and accept whatever happens and embrace it.

This warm, February evening is something easily embraced. I feel transformed but not completely. Yet, I am grateful for the transformation that has occurred. I am aware of what I need to do; it's a matter of doing it. It's time to break away from past behaviors because they aren't working; in fact they are becoming hurtful; detrimental to my being. It's time to take a deep breath and try something new. It's time to step out of my comfort zone so I can be "me" again. It's time to just be.

How ironic, that on this same day, I come across this wine without even really looking. 
Ironic? I think not.

Yalumba Winery Y Series Shiraz Viognier

I had never seen Yalumba in the store before.
I just did the Vegan Wine Dinner the other night and we had Yalumba wines.
My favorite wine that night was the Y Series Vioginer and I bought a bottle.
This is a Yalumba Y Series Shiraz Viognier blend.
Wait a minute.
Shiraz is red.
Viognier is white.
Yalumba combined these two?
Just on sheer curiosity I would have to buy this wine.
My sacral chakra was completely blocked until about 30 minutes prior to finding this wine and yep, well, here's proof that energy center is wide open now.
Trying something new. Taking a chance.
Enjoy the pleasure provided in the moment in full awareness.
In the past, I would have laughed and thought, those crazy Aussies don't know what they are doing.
But not today.
I was instantly drawn to this wine.
I didn't think twice.

While Hubs is outside becoming "all zen" with the smoker, I decide to open the bottle and pour a glass.

At first whiff, I get a hint of black pepper.
A slight smokiness and flowers
Smoke lingering over a field of wild lilacs
Burning a bit on my nose but not in a negative way

I take a sip. 
Nothing like I thought it would taste. 
It is much sweeter than the smell.
Tangy at first but then quickly lingers into a mellow soft flower.

As I'm trying to figure this red wine out, Hubs walks in and I ask him to taste it and tell me what he tastes. He hates this game.
He always says, "It tastes like wine."
This time he takes a sip, makes a face and says, "It tastes like........"
"I don't like it," and he walks away with a scrunched up face.
I don't like it.
A new flavor profile. Noted.

I keep prepping side dishes.
I come back 10 minutes later.

The smoky smell is gone.
The wine tastes like cherries. All cherries and no other flavors.
Reminds me of a throat lozenge and I'm not happy.
I don't like cherry.

I come back 10 minutes later.
The cherry has toned down quite a bit.
A tad hint of chocolate or cocoa is on the finish now.
I decide to try a piece of cheese with the wine.
I love cheese.
Cheese and wine are often quite powerful together.
This time, the cheese mellowed out the wine quite substantially.
There's a slight tanginess and then it's quite smooth.
This wine is getting better.
Yep, patience.
I was just reminded of that this morning.
It's working.
(Note to self: The sacral chakra is also where energy associated with the sense of taste resides.)
While Hubs has given up on this wine after one sip, I take a deep breath.
I can't give up on this wine.
I don't want to give up on this wine.
I'm going to be patient and see what happens.
After all, that's exactly what I was led to do this morning.......

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