Friday, January 1, 2021

2021 - the year of change

Well, here we go. 2021. The year everyone has been waiting for. The savior of all years to release us from the dumpster fire that was 2020, right? Well, what if I told you that 2021 is all about change. Yep, change. That word that most humans dread.

2020 was a year that most people want to forget and wish never occured. I understand that for many reasons. Personally, 2020, did not negatively affect me at all and for that, I am grateful. 2020 was a year of foundation. What does that mean really? A year that challenged us to our core - made us think aobut who we really are, what our relationships are made of, the validity of our jobs and careers, what truly makes us tick. From the very start of the pandemic, I chose to refer to this time as a "healing of the earth". It was God's way of reaffirming to all us arrogant humans who REALLY is in control. Not the government. Not the legal system. Not public safety. Not humans at all. God woke us up and said, "Hey, don't forget about me. This is still MY world and I am in charge. Not you." Our foundations were rocked. Mine, however, was solidified and made even stronger.  Why fear lockdowns and quarantines? If you aren't comfortable in your own home, there is something deeper going on than the govenrment "making" you stay home. Many accepted this realization and started to do some inner work and relationship work. Others, well, are still in denial. It's ok because everyone is on their own path and it will all unfold as it is supposed to.  Early on in the healing of the earth, I began to focus on love; not fear. Love is who we are. Love is our natural state. If we stay aligned with love, fear is not possible. Fear actually only exists in the past. So if you stay in the present moment, fear is a stranger. We are all souls having a temporary human experience.  2020 was all about rising up or bowing out. Many, many souls chose to exit stage right and I hold no judgement for them. Others, such as myself, saw this as an opportunity to love, guide and provide love in service by rising up to the call of a new Earth. 

So now it's 2021. The first day of 2021. How are you going to navigate this new year? Just flipping a calendar and not writing "2020" on anything any longer, doesn't change things. There is no going "back to normal". Why would you want to? "Normal" obviously wasn't working. Why not focus on what you learned in 2020 and carry it forward into 2021? Why not focus on love and remove all hate, judgment and fear and make 2021 not only a better year, but take a part in making this world a better place? How do you do that? Don't make the same mistakes that you made last year and the years prior. Mistakes are just opportunities to learn but if we keep repeating them, we clearly aren't learning are we? Stop judging others because they think, say, look, do or feel ways different from your own. We are all one. We are all extensions of God - pure love and light- here for soul growth having a temporary human experience. Those experiences are all unique to our souls and not a single one is better or worse than another. 

If 2020 was the year revolving around foundation and 2021 is the year of change, what can we expect? Well, the core of who we are was shook and revealed in 2020. With that came a lot of uncertainty, fear, loss, confusion and questions. For others, it may have even brought clarity, freedom and self worth. But more change, now? Well, yeah, because when you have such a shock to the foundation, massive change is bound to occur. The question is how will you react to that change? Will you be negative, abrasive, judgmental and scared? Or will you embrace it and use it to your and your fellow human being's advantage? YOU are in control. Remember who you are and act like it. This is ALL happening FOR you; not TO you. Will you be a victim to change and 2021 like you were in 2020 or will you speak your truth, align yourself with love and become empowered and aware? 

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