Monday, September 6, 2021

All that energy and love stuff

Whatever you do for yourself is what you are offering up to the whole.  We are all equals.  When you place someone on a pedestal-above you-better than you-that makes you lose connection.  We are all equal in vibration. We all give off energy and receive energy.  Everything in this Universe is comprised of energy- actions, inactions, emotions, choices.  Everything vibrates energy. Nothing is static.

What exactly is a vibration though? A vibration is a subtle fluctuation of energy emitting from our being and influencing the atmosphere at that moment in time.  We have the ability to shift or change our vibration.  So what does it mean when we talk about raising the vibration? Raising the vibration is a way to elevate our experience as a human.  When we raise the vibration, we make a conscious choice to shift what we are giving off.  It is a conscious choice to return to love on a daily basis. It is a great call to action to make this world a better place than what it was when we arrived! Not only are you committing to consciously be your best self for you but you are doing it for all of those around you and the entire world!  To do so, takes practice and commitment and entails recognizing the parts of your life that are causing harm and then facing them head on!

Raising the vibration lifts the energy of the body and is also a way to heal the body.  It is a lifetime practice and not a one time action.  Consistency is key! It starts with a self practice of doing the work for yourself and then, in time, others are influenced just by the shift you have made in your choices and behavior.  When you make this commitment to constantly work on choosing a higher way of being, you step back into the presence of love and allow love to be your teacher and guide.  Raising the vibration calls you to ask, “How can I be a better vehicle of love today?”
Raising the vibration usually comes after a spiritual awakening.  What is a spiritual awakening? You may think it is some phenomenon; something that will never happen to you or it is just something you read about In books or see in a movie. Sounds quite otherworldly sometimes.  Or like you have to be at a Buddhist monastery or on sabbatical in India meditating and practicing yoga all day.  There is nothing wrong with any of those things but a spiritual awakening can happen to all of us in our everyday life….with OR without warning.

A spiritual awakening can happen after an emotional trauma or it can just happen! It leads to raising the vibration after experiencing something emotionally heavy.  You realize you are part of something greater and you have the power to make it better.

A spiritual awakening is a moment that brings you “home”.  An a-ha! moment-that moment when you start to see the world so differently than you have seen it before - when you realize you are your own self but you are also connected to a greater force. You realize your actions not only affect yourself but your loved ones, your coworkers, your neighbors, your community, your state, your country, the entire world!
A spiritual awakening is an instant wake-up call to wanting to live in a more purposeful way; wanting to make a difference. The way you have been seeing the world has been with blinders on and instantly you now see it in a completely different compassionate light.  You don’t fit in with those around you.  You are not understood.  That is because you are now awakening and seeing things, without question, in alignment with love, with your soul, your natural state.

We are ALL equals having our own temporary human experience.  We are a soul inhabiting a body as the vehicle for that experience in this school we call Earth.  A spiritual awakening does not make you better than anyone else.  A spiritual awakening is part of your soul’s journey and does not have to (and it usually will not) look like anyone else’s.  Some of us have had that awakening and some have not.  Some of us will and some of us will not. Regardless, we are all equal energetic souls made of pure love and light; extensions of creator energy (whatever you call that-the Universe, Source, God, etc.)

There is one thing spiritual awakenings have in common and that is you will know when it occurs.  There is no wondering or questioning if you had one.  Life as you know it, how you approach it, and how you feel about it will instantly change.  Love and compassion for ALL sentient beings overcomes you out of nowhere. The judgment and criticism and questioning is gone and the ego is no longer in control because you KNOW who you are! And it is not fleeting.
When my maternal grandmother died in April 2013, my heart was shattered. I lost my sense of self; who I was. I was living in a depressed state and the things I would normally find joy in were now meaningless to me. I wasn’t angry. I was empty. I was void of all feelings. When I realized 17 months later that she was still with me through various “non-coincidences”, my heart began to heal.  That was not a spiritual awakening.  That was accepting that a woman who was my world for just shy of 40 years shed her temporary human body and was still very much “alive” and with me; just in different form.  Because of the bond we had in the physical, our soul’s energetic bond remains just as strong.  Love and energy are never ending.  For those 17 months, I gave into the ego self-the master plan for failure-and was living in a low-vibrational state of fear instead of in alignment with my true nature; love.  But, as I said, that was NOT a spiritual awakening.  That was the true beginning of being aware of my soul’s journey. But, of course, I didn't know that then.

My dad was my best friend, my plus one.  I was always a “daddy’s girl” and proud to say so.  Dad battled cancer for 21 years and the last seven days of his life at home under Hospice care were the most emotional.  Seeing my hero in such a frail state, heavily medicated and dependent on me and my mom was nothing short of agonizing.  I cared for him, loved him and equally prayed each night for God to take his soul home and make him whole and free again.  I was honored to be at his side, reading a Bible verse to him as he took his last breath that morning.  I wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else.  He was there when I took my first human breath and I was there when he took his last.

My dad was kind.  That word.  Kind.  More people referred to him as kind than any other word and that was huge.  My dad was the kindest man I have ever known and when I say kind I mean 24/7 365 kind.  He exuded kindness….to ALL people. I remember always thinking he was too kind for his own good because I witnessed him getting taken for granted so often; even by his own brother and parents.  My dad would put everyone before himself without any consideration or hesitation.  He would always go out of his way to help others or make them happy without expectations or reciprocating efforts.  I would often get frustrated because I would see him being treated poorly or not being appreciated and he would keep doing it.  He always saw the good in people even if they treated him poorly over and over and over.  Dad was a forgiver and a believer that people are innately good.  I remember heated conversations we would have because I loved him so much and was trying to protect him because he wouldn’t protect himself.  I even referred to him as a “welcome mat” and it wasn’t a term of endearment.  But Dad was Dad and kept loving and giving and being kind until his last breath.

My spiritual awakening occurred after an emotionally traumatic event.  The transition of the first and best man who ever unconditionally loved me.  The man who loved me the most.  The man who adored me before he ever even met me.

My dad transitioned in November 2017.  My life as I knew it changed.  Not as many would think though.  Not like the depression I encountered four years earlier.  It all suddenly made sense.  He LIVED! I mean really lived his life.  Every single second of his life, he lived with no regrets.  He never met a stranger.  He loved with his entire being.  For 44 years, I had been letting the ego self control me.  For 68 years, he led with his heart and never questioned who he was.  Now, I would continue that legacy and with no effort really.  When the light of his human experience extinguished, mine began to shine brighter than ever.  My soul’s purpose in this lifetime would soon be revealed after a lot of diving deep, addressing my core wound, forgiveness and healing.

We are all here helping each other “home”.  When we accept that we all have varying journeys and that love, without judgment, is always the answer no matter the question, that journey becomes such a magical experience for our soul!  So make that conscious decision today to return to love on a daily basis; to raise the vibration for yourself and all those around you, for the world.  Doing so will not only improve your temporary experience here on Earth but you will also leave the world better than it was when your soul arrived! How can you be a better vehicle of love today?