Wednesday, February 17, 2021

My 10 Day Challenge to Love the Green Monster

I"m sure many of you have heard of the global Celery Juice Movement that has been going on for decades. I may be late to the party but what is time anyway? Time really is just an illusion and what is meant to happen will happen for each of us when it is time; in Divine timing.

A few days ago, I decided to watch a lesson from Anthony William, the Medical Medium, as part of the Hay House HEAL Summit and, while I knew of the celery juice craze, it wasn't until listening to the Medical Medium himself that I decided to try it out for myself. I even got Hubs to play along! 

This morning, we started our 10-day Celery Juice Challenge. I wanted to go for 30 days but I have to be out of town for some of that time and lugging the juicer and all my paraphenalia just wasn't gonna be advantageous. So we will try it for 10 days and see how it goes. I truly feel that this will be a part of my daily regimen from now on.

I HATE celery.

I hate the atrocious smell. 

I hate the stringyness of this herb (yes, it's an herb; not a vegetable). 

I hate the taste of celery. 

I hate the crunch when it is mixed in with something else.

I have just never cared for celery at all. With that said, this is going to be super fun for me isn't it? So why am I doing it then? Well, when celery juice is consumed by the body in the right way, it is a powerful healing remedy. Drinking 16 oz of celery juice on an empty stomach daily is shown to improve digestion, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, lessen bloating, cure allergies, clear up skin, help with weight loss, stablize moods, bring about mental clarity and many other wonderful things! In fact, there are many people who are even healing from acute and chronic disease by drinking juice from celery!

The Celery Juice Movement is a grassroots movement and many will probably "poo poo" it because it isn't backed by funding or any interest group. No studies have been done and no scientists are singing its praises. But I don't need that. In fact, I'd rather not have that. I know, first hand,, that the body has the ability to heal itself and that we must make proper choices in helping it survive.Food is definitely a tool to use in healing the body. By switching to a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle a few years ago, my cholesterol dropped along with my weight and I also started to FEEL better. In the past year, I have started to slack and, man, can I feel it. So to jumpstart my body back into healing and to free it of toxins, pathogens and inflammation, I have decided to try celery juice.

So, what exactly does this 10 Day Celery Juice Challenge mean? Starting this morning, we will consume 16 oz (ok, I set myself up for success so I only did 8 oz this morning and the Medical Medium said it was ok to work up to the 16 oz) of juiced celery on an empty stomach.  Doing so will strengthen the digestion of foods that we eat the rest of the day. Because of its complex, nutritional makeup, we will not blend it with any vegetables or fruit. I will just take a deep breath, infuse it with reiki, be grateful, and suck it down! 

I read that one package of celery will yield about 16oz and sure enough it did. In fact, it probably yields about 20 oz but I stopped at 16oz today. First thing that is VERY important, is to cut the bulb off and then wash each stalk very well. Or you can get organic but I would still wash it, even though they say you don't have to do so.

Next, I took a measuring cup and placed it under the spout of my juicer to make sure I would know exactly how much 16 oz would be. Then I just started feeding those stalks of celery into their vat of death! Maybe it's me, but there is something that makes me feel accomplished when I watch a vegetable, fruit or herb turn into liquid in a matter of seconds.

Even though the smell was simply wretched, just with this simple transition from a solid to a liquid, I kept going. I was going to do this, damnit. If I went WFPB in 30 days, I can suck down a glass of  daily celery juice. 

My health is worth it. My body deserves it. 

I am in control of my health. No one else.

Celery juice is medicinal; not caloric. That fact made me happy. Why? This juice is not going to BE my breakfast. It will be an appetizer to my breakfast. My lovely smoothie or my mason jar of overnight oats and fruit loveliness will still be a part of my morning. Phew! But I do have to wait 15-30 minutes after consuming the green liquid before I indulge in said deliciousness.

Today, Hubs was at an appointment so I juiced my portion first. I was surprised that it didn't take much celery to get to 8 oz of juice. I'm also super happy that a big bag of celery is only $1.42 at Walmart (gag, I hate that place with a passion). Of course, fellow shoppers were probably wondering what on Earth I was planning to do with such an overabundance of celery. But, hey, I don't judge. I expect them not to and if they do, well, that's their problem; not mine. I didn't question you when you hoarded toilet paper. Leave me and my green stalks alone. Many thanks and much love to you. 

Ready and eager to let the healing begin, I pour my glass of celery juice and am super excited. Then for a brief moment, I think, oh man, I hate celery so much. What am I doing? Am I going to be able to fathom drinking this stuff? What if I vomit? What if I just can't do it. Then I realized what I was doing and shut down my ego brain. "I am grateful for this healing juice. I am grateful for consuming this juice quickly and reaping its benefits. I am grateful for the ability to heal my own body." 

Deep breath, down the hatch!

Dear God....
 That was SOOOOOO disgusting. 
The smell alone almost made me vomit. 
But I did it! I drank every last drop of it.

And then I quickly filled my glass up with water, swished it around and downed it like college girl me did a shot back in the day. 

Those 15 minutes I had to wait before consuming something delicous couldn't go by fast enough. All kidding aside, I actually waited 30 minutes. If I am going to consume this stuff, I am going to at least make sure I do it right so that it will work and benefit my body.

This 10 Day Celery Juice Challenge feels good already. It isn't going to be that much of a challenge except to increase my daily intake from 8 oz to 16oz or even more at some point. When I know that what I am doing is not harming my body but healing it, it's a no brainer for me. 
What I just realized, and this is how my world works, is that celery is green. Well, that's not anything you didn't already know, right? Well, sure but do you know what is important about celery being green? Green is the color associated with the heart chakra. Green is also associated with Archangel Raphael who is the archangel of healing. Yeah, there are no coincidences in this life. Everything happens exactly as it is supposed to when it it is supposed to according to our soul's path. 

So here's to you, celery juice! 
I love you, you wretched green monster!
Let's do this!