Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Woods Were Calling Her

She was a beach girl, a lover of the ocean. She desired feeling the sand beneath her feet, the ocean mist on her face, the breeze in her hair. But for two nonstop days, she had an urge, an undeniable, powerful longing to be in the woods. The woods were calling her. That had never happened to her before and she was a bit confused. She tried to push it away and grounded herself in the dirt of her yard, but it didn’t satisfy. She stopped at the ocean and inhaled deeply with her head lifted to the sky and basked in the grandmother sun’s warmth on her face. She stood in awe and in deep gratitude as she gazed upon Mother Ocean. That known welcoming sense of contentment came across her as it always does and she began to feel better. But that feeling of peace didn’t last very long and she started to sink into that spiral of unease and imbalance. The woods. She needed to be in the woods. But what did that mean? All she knew was she had this burning desire deep in her soul to be in the woods. The more she resisted it, the stronger it became and the more emotional and irritable she felt herself becoming. Short fused with no explanation one moment and uncontrollable tears the next. The woods? She lived at the beach, surrounded by water. Why the woods and where would that be anyway? Then it happened again.... that overwhelming push to be in the woods and this time she couldn’t ignore it. This time she listened. She grabbed her keys, crystals in her pocket and off she went - a woman on a mission. Suddenly, she knew exactly where to go.

She was alone and for a brief moment her ego mind warned her of potential danger but she settled into her soul and she became surrounded by the love of those who went before her as she took her first steps onto a dirt path that would take her into the woods. The solitude in nature. The sun glistening through the canopy of trees. The birds swooping past. The leaves falling from the trees onto a pond. The quiet stillness of the marshy waters. Not a single human in her presence.

She wandered without a plan and let the woods guide her. She could feel the tension evaporate the deeper into the unknown she walked. At times, she was led to stop and just take it all in and listen. This was truly being present and showing gratitude in the here and now; knowing that was all that was even real.

As the sun was fading, she felt the desire for one last turn. Not knowing why, but knowing to listen, she turned down a path which led to a wooden bridge over swamp-like waters. Before she stepped onto the bridge, she looked to her left and saw him and her body froze. It was like a bright white glowing light encompassed her being and her focus was solely on him. He was tall and majestic and absolutely stunning. They locked eyes and neither of them moved. She felt an absolute awe come over her as she watched in gratitude this mesmerizing creature. An incredible blue heron. Patience. Grace. Magnificence. Authenticity. Elegance. Confidence. Balance. Solitude.

The blue heron was calling her to the woods. She was being called to create a place in the stillness of nature to be renewed. The woods were guiding her to that necessary balance by taking time to be alone. The heron was telling her she was on the right track by being patient and sinking in to her natural way of being. She knew it was time to look within to find answers and that self reflection was the key at this time. It was time to retreat and reclaim her power as her own.

She physically walked out of the woods but, spiritually, the woods became an innate part of her soul that day. She had been barely functioning and energetically drained to the depths of her being for weeks. Her passion is her purpose and yet it became overwhelming. Spirit found a way, through nature, through the woods and the teachings of the blue heron to push her into self preservation and self care. Now, she was ready to truly refocus and remember who she was. 

Chickpea Flavor Bombs

Ahhhh.... food. Yes, it’s been a while but I’m getting my cooking mojo back. Well, I guess I didn’t lose it really. I just haven’t felt the nudge to blog about food. That whole spiritual energy work thing has kinda taken over. Well, this meal sparked my creative juices and was so delicious that I must share!

Chickpea Dumplings in Curried Tomato Sauce

Looking at this recipe may not excite you but, trust me, it is well worth the effort! No meat, no dairy, no gluten and yet sooooooo much flavor! Do yourself, and your taste buds, a favor and try this one!

I like to prep my kitchen counter with all the necessities before digging in so, first, open a German Riesling and pour yourself a glass. My dad and I always loved to cook with wine. The wine isn’t part of the recipe; it’s for the chef’s enjoyment (and it will also pair well with the end result of your hard work).

The specifics:
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour
3 cups of finely chopped baby spinach (divided into 1/2 cup and 2 1/2 cups)
1/3 cup olive or avocado oil
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
1/4 cup dairy-free plain yogurt (I use SO Delicious coconut milk yogurt. You could use full milk yogurt if you wanted, I guess, but why? Just make sure it’s plain and not flavored.)

1 tablespoon finely chopped serrano or jalapeƱo pepper (I have left this out and it is equally as delicious, so your call.)
1 -15 oz. can no-salt-added petite diced tomatoes
1 -15 oz. can no-salt-added tomato sauce

Spice blend
2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground mustard (the spice; not the condiment)
1 tablespoon curry powder (Did you know curry simply means “mixture”? Thanks to Chef Randolph for that little nugget.)
                                            1 tablespoon ground ginger

Grab a large mixing bowl and let’s get started!

Chop the onion and pepper as fine as possible with a sharp knife. I like to have the crunch in this dish for texture so it doesn’t need to be super fine but you definitely don’t want big chunks. Place the cut veggies in the bowl.

Solicit the help of your good friend, Mr. Food Processor, for chopping the spinach. I have made this dish numerous times and finally had the genius idea of NOT chopping the spinach by hand this go ‘round. What a time saver! Add 1/2 cup of the spinach to the bowl. Set the rest aside for later.
Add 1/4 cup yogurt, 1/3 cup oil and one cup plus two tablespoons of chickpea flour to the bowl.
(Do those two tablespoons really matter? I have thought the same thing and am not willing to chance not including it so just get over it and do it.) Mix well until all is incorporated, scraping off the sides of the bowl when needed.

Use a tablespoon (and your fingers) to scoop and shape this mixture into round dumplings. I think they should be called meatless balls or chickpea nuggets. I hear dumpling and I think Asian and this is not that kind of dumpling. Oh well, I didn’t create this recipe, so not my call, I guess. Anyway, make round balls out of the mix in the bowl and place them aside. I usually get about 14 or 16. They aren’t very appealing but just wait because they are so surprisingly yummy!

Now grab a small bowl and combine the spices listed above to create the spice blend.

Believe me, it’s easier and quicker to combine them this way ahead of time rather than adding each one to the pan individually. You’ll make a mess because you are hurrying. You won’t pay attention and forget what you already put in and screw up the balance. I’m talking from experience here. Phew! Ok, yeah, that deserved a sip of wine. Go ahead.

Next, grab a large skillet/pan (that has a lid) and heat two tablespoons of oil over medium heat. Pour the tomato sauce and diced tomatoes into the pan and combine with a wooden spoon.
Add in the spice blend and stir. Let these beauties meld together for a minute or two. Have a sip of wine and take note of how much you’ve accomplished thus far! Ok, not the whole glass. No time for a refill just yet either. Get your grimey hands off that bottle!
Stir in the rest of the spinach that’s been patiently hanging out over there in the food processor. (Oh yeah, remove the blade first. Damn, those things can do some damage.) Use a spatula (or your finger) to get all that spinach stuck around the bottom of that container. No greens get left behind, y’all. Once it is all combined, bring to a simmer. Be careful not to boil. We just want a gentle but steady simmer.
Nope, don’t do it. I saw you reach for that glass of wine. Patience! Well, ok, fine but be quick about it. We have more work to do!

Next, nestle the dumplings/meatless balls/chickpea nuggets in the sauce.
(Nestle. What a comforting word, isn’t it? I’m a word girl. I can’t help it.) Once the round guys are all nestled in, place the lid on the pan and cook for 10 minutes......if you can stand it. I usually have to peek after about five minutes even though there’s really nothing to see. You may want to baste. Use your judgment. Make sure the sauce doesn’t start boiling and after 10 minutes, take off the lid and baste those babies with the sauce. Be gentle because they are delicate. Make sure they are covered completely in sauce. Don’t roll them. Spoon the sauce over them. Put the lid back on and leave them alone for 10 more minutes.
Now is when you get a break. Use your time wisely. Finish that glass of wine, if you haven’t already. Yeah, I saw you. Or, do what I do and clean up the huge mess you made because I despise cluttered and unkept kitchen counters! Plus, after you enjoy this meal you don’t want to ruin that happy feeling by having to do dishes! Completely destroys the good vibes.

This recipe makes enough for four people unless you are at my house in which case it makes enough for me and Hubs and one additional bowl for lunch the next day. Naan or sourdough bread is a must as an accompaniment because you will definitely want to sop up the sauce!

So now the kitchen is cleaned up, your wine glass is empty and the oven timer annoyingly beeps. Shut the timer off. Yeah, I know it keeps beeping so next time REALLY push it.Man, I hate when that happens! You showed that oven timer, didn’t you? Lift the lid off the pan, baste again and it is ready to eat!
Use a large serving spoon to gently place the dumplings and sauce in bowls. Go heavy on the sauce. If you’re like me, your brain will reach for parmesan cheese but don’t do it. What you are about to enjoy may look like an Italian delight but it actually is a rendition of a Pakistani dish so no need for cheese. (Yeah, I’ve kicked dairy in every way possible but just can’t stop the cheese addiction. I have a problem. I know and 80% is awareness. I used to say "at least it’s not crack or heroin" but guess what? Cheese is just as addictive, but that’s for another blog post. Ya only live once, so enjoy that wine and cheese every so often! Well, wait, we actually have many lifetimes, but again, I’ll save that for another post.)

OK, so dig in! Enjoy your Chickpea Dumplings in Curried Tomato Sauce and let me know what you think! Oh yeah, don’t forget to pour yourself another glass of wine! Who am I kidding? Bon Appetit!